
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Haunting Comparisons

Many of you have heard me recommend Pastor Erwin Lutzer's book, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD.  In the book, Lutzer shows us how a once-Christian nation of Germany could have ended up committing one of the most atrocious acts in modern times.  He then goes on to question whether America is starting to repeat the same steps as Germany did in the 1930's...which led them to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Today, we find prophecy watcher, Jan Markell, making some of those same comparisons.

What happens when people are seduced by government through handouts, government checks, government promises, and more?  In Nazi Germany, Germans in the early 1930s were promised a return to the "glory days" after the devastation of WWI. Government then started to paint a picture of the good life returning, but only if government could become their god.

The Germans thought that was a great idea. They hung onto every promise of "hope and change." They simply had no idea that Hitler's "hope and change" would cause the swastika to be burned across the very fabric of Europe. Once it began to be burned, they looked the other way as the "good life" was going to return for them -- or so they thought. Hope and change agents always promise utopia.

There are haunting comparisons in America to Nazi Germany. Nobody describes them better than Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. I collaborated with her on a new DVD recently titled "When Government Becomes God: What History Teaches Us." This is really a companion DVD to her documentary on her life, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell: A Young Jewish Girl Discovers the Messiah's Faithfulness in the Midst of the Holocaust."

But before you check out of this topic sensing this is just horrible news -- government becoming god anywhere -- keep in mind that this is  but a set-up for the Antichrist. What is happening in America and around the world is paving the way for the ultimate government that will be god. The "Man of Lawlessness" is waiting in the wings. Jesus Christ will ultimately bring Godly government to the world during the Millennium.

Here's just a partial list of comparisons from Germany, 1938, to America, 2014:
•The demise of Capitalism was fine and the rise of Socialism was accepted.
•Few blinked when prayer was taken out of school in 1935.
•Daycare raised the children of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.
•Christmas and Easter were taken out of the German public schools.
•Socialized medicine ruined the German healthcare system. The elderly and handicapped were marginalized.
•Abortion became the new normal and was even expected.
•Private education was gone by 1938.
•Government spending skyrocketed and no one said a word. Taxation soared to 80%.
•First there was gun registration but that was followed by gun confiscation by the Nazis.
•Free speech gradually faded. The newspapers and other media proclaimed the pro-government side of a story.
•The green agenda was adopted as it was steeped in paganism and Hitler loved paganism.
•Government spying went off the charts.
•Children sang songs of praise to Hitler.
•Germans were spellbound by the great oratory skills of Hitler. He couldn't possibly be lying to them.
•The church in Germany did not want to make waves; it did not want to tackle controversy. Pulpits would never address serious issues or politics.
•The church in Germany was steered into mysticism such as today's American pulpits that are okay with Christian Yoga-type deceptions. Hitler knew this would weaken the church and make it ineffective.  Most, but not all churches in Germany, were riddled with compromise.
•Many pastors in Germany wanted to be popular and find favor with the government. They did not want to offend anyone.


As you read the above list and read the headlines of what is happening in America...about all you can say is, "wow."

"But Dennis, that couldn't happen here!...This is America!"

Jesus warned us that when the salt loses its becomes good for nothing and should be thrown out and trampled on.

So....has the majority of America's churches quit preaching the truth and exchanged it for a new gospel of love and tolerance?  Is sin, repentance and hell preached on anymore?

Furthermore...have the majority of Americans who call themselves "Christians" been spending time studying the Word of God and going out to make disciples??  Or have we been deluded by sports, houses, boats, ATV's and the constant quest of entertaining ourselves while all the while seeking to fulfill our material desires?

If you haven't been praying for this nation and its leaders...NOW would be a good time to start.

If you haven't been reading your Bible...NOW would be a good time to start.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge."

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