
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pope Said He Will Baptize Aliens

If some travelers show up in a space ship and land on planet earth...the Pope said he will baptize them!  (yes, I know he said this tongue in cheek...but so did Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton when they mentioned "aliens")


Pope Francis has stated that he would welcome alien life forms into the open arms of the Catholic Church, should they be willing to convert. He put forward his official stance on Martians - among other intergalactic travelers - at a homily on Monday.

Francis proclaimed that the Catholic Church was one of “open doors” and it was the independent choice of each Christian to accept the Holy Spirit into their lives.

“If tomorrow an expedition of aliens from Mars arrives…and one of the green ones with long nose and big ears, like those which children draw, comes and says, ‘I want a Baptism!’ What would happen?” Francis asked rhetorically.

The Pontiff then pointed out that St. Peter himself had assuaged doubts of his critics by stating that: “If then God gave them the same gift he gave to us for believing in the Lord Jesus, who was I to hinder God?”

According to the Bible, Peter had been criticized by Christians in Jerusalem for contacting ‘unclean’ Pagans. Francis used the passage to illustrate that at the time, it had also been considered ‘unthinkable.’

“When the Lord shows us the way, who are we to say, ‘No, Lord, it is not prudent! No, let's do it this way.’ Who are we to close doors?” Francis added.

He made the comments at a Monday morning mass at the Casa Santa Maria residence at the Vatican, according to Vatican Radio.

While the statements may seem a little far-fetched, it is not the only time the Vatican has discussed the baptism of alien life forms.

At the British Science Festival in 2010, one astronomer for former Pope Benedict XVI, Guy Consolmagno, stated that he would be prepared to baptize an alien if it asked. “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul,” Consolmagno stated.


Really??  "Any entity has a soul?"  How would you know that Mr Consolmagno?  Do demons have souls?  Did the Nephilim of Genesis 6 have souls?  Do the fallen angels that rebelled with Lucifer have souls?  Did Jesus attempt to baptize the demons when he cast them out?  Those demons even knew his name and asked Jesus if he was there to torment them before the appointed time??

Why would aliens from another planet come looking for a human being named Jesus who was made the perfect sacrifice to ATONE for all the sin that came into the world THROUGH man??

If there were aliens from light years away...why would they need to be baptized into the blood of Jesus if they aren't human and have nothing to do with the story of sin entering through one man, Adam, and sin being cleansed through one man, Jesus?

Nope....we think this has more to do with the world being prepared to accept "aliens"....which are really just demons in disguise.  And if we are still here when it happens, we are quite confident that they will bring a NEW that speaks lies about Jesus, or at least "corrects" what the Bible says about who He is.

Why do I think that??  Because you can visit many websites dedicated to giving us "alien" messages already...and when the story comes up of Jews, Temples, redemption and Jesus...they are already telling lies on their websites.

If this happens it will certainly fit into lots of unfulfilled prophecies.

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."  1 Timothy 4:1

Think this is far fetched???  Check out what one "alien" site is saying;

Dear friend, Shalom

It's my duty as well as a great pleasure to bring into this document all the necessary elements to allow you to recognize Rael, the Mashiach. The Jewish people has suffered so much, it is now a great joy to know that he is finally among us.

Rael, the Mashiach, has given me the task of informing you of his presence, and of the particular request made by the Elohim and addressed to us, their direct descendants, the Jewish people. They want the Third Temple, their embassy on Earth, to be built near Jerusalem. Will you seize this opportunity to meet the Mashiach and do you want to help him to achieve the mission entrusted to him by our Creators? It's also my duty to warn you that if the State of Israel does not grant us land near Jerusalem for the construction of the embassy, Israel will be destroyed and it will be another Diaspora for us. This is by no means a threat but a reminder of the message addressed to us, the Jewish people by YHWH Elohim.

May the wisdom of the Elohim guide you and may you see the light of their last messenger, Rael the Mashiach. Shalom!

Leon Mellul, Raelian Guide

Director for Semitic Affairs Worldwide

Here is that site;

Remember, Jesus said there will be many FALSE MESSIAHS in the last days...some of them are certainly human...but maybe some of them are going to be out of this world?  Is Rael, the Mashiach, one day going to throw his hat in that ring??


  1. How do you even know you have a soul? Why do you get to have a soul and not some foreign entity?

  2. That's a great question...and here are some things for you to ponder.

    Jesus said;
    Matthew 10:28
    Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

    And this:
    Matthew 16:26
    What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

    So WE KNOW we have a soul...because Jesus, who created all things, clearly said it in many places that WE DO!

    Now, as far as why we get to have a soul and some "foreign entity" doesn't I would have to ask you what you mean by "foreign entity". Is Satan/Lucifer a foreign entity? Are fallen angels considered foreign entities? Are demons considered foreign entities? If angels live forever...why would they need a soul? If demons live forever...why would they need a soul?...same question for Satan?

    When the demons saw Jesus, they didn't ask him if they could be baptized and saved by believing in him...THEY ALREADY BELIEVED IN HIM and know that they deserve eternal punishment from Jesus.

    Matthew 8

    Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men

    28 When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. 29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”

    So Jesus is going to torture demons in the future...and the demons know it. They don't have souls that Jesus saves for heaven.

    Hope that helps to answer your question. NOT ALL ENTITIES have souls like you and I.
