
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Colleges Start Coming After Evangelical Students

So here is another example to add to the "That's insane!" column.

The NYT is reporting that some colleges are now targeting evangelical groups on campus who want to exclude NON-CHRISTIANS from leadership roles.


BRUNSWICK, Me. — For 40 years, evangelicals at Bowdoin College have gathered periodically to study the Bible together, to pray and to worship. They are a tiny minority on the liberal arts college campus, but they have been a part of the school’s community, gathering in the chapel, the dining center, the dorms.

After this summer, the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship will no longer be recognized by the college. Already, the college has disabled the electronic key cards of the group’s longtime volunteer advisers.

In a collision between religious freedom and antidiscrimination policies, the student group, and its advisers, have refused to agree to the college’s demand that any student, regardless of his or her religious beliefs, should be able to run for election as a leader of any group, including the Christian association.

Similar conflicts are playing out on a handful of campuses around the country, driven by the universities’ desire to rid their campuses of bias, particularly against gay men and lesbians, but also, in the eyes of evangelicals, fueled by a discomfort in academia with conservative forms of Christianity. The universities have been emboldened to regulate religious groups by a Supreme Court ruling in 2010 that found it was constitutional for a public law school in California to deny recognition to a Christian student group that excluded gays.

At Cal State, the nation’s largest university system with nearly 450,000 students on 23 campuses, the chancellor is preparing this summer to withdraw official recognition from evangelical groups that are refusing to pledge not to discriminate on the basis of religion in the selection of their leaders. And at Vanderbilt, more than a dozen groups, most of them evangelical but one of them Catholic, have already lost their official standing over the same issue; one Christian group balked after a university official asked the students to cut the words “personal commitment to Jesus Christ” from their list of qualifications for leadership.

At most universities that have begun requiring religious groups to sign nondiscrimination policies, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and mainline Protestant groups have agreed, saying they do not discriminate and do not anticipate that the new policies will cause problems. Hillel, the largest Jewish student organization, says some chapters have even elected non-Jews to student boards.

The evangelical groups say they, too, welcome anyone to participate in their activities, including gay men and lesbians, as well as nonbelievers, seekers and adherents of other faiths. But they insist that, in choosing leaders, who often oversee Bible study and prayer services, it is only reasonable that they be allowed to require some basic Christian faith — in most cases, an explicit agreement that Jesus was divine and rose from the dead, and often an implicit expectation that unmarried student leaders, gay or straight, will abstain from sex.

“It would compromise our ability to be who we are as Christians if we can’t hold our leaders to some sort of doctrinal standard,” said Zackary Suhr, 23, who has just graduated from Bowdoin, where he was a leader of the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship.


If you can't see discrimination coming for anyone who claims that Jesus is God and is the ONLY way for salvation...then you have blinders on.

Just think of how ridiculous this is!  The college seeks to disband any Christian organizations if they REQUIRE their leaders to be Christians!!

And what is all this animosity towards Christians fueled by?...."fueled by a discomfort in academia with conservative forms of Christianity."

Yep!  The "smart" people running our colleges have a real problem with Jesus Christ!  They can't tolerate Jesus words when he says, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through me."  They believe that anyone who believes those words should have any place on any college campus!

And yet, we parents spend BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to send our kids off to these atheist strongholds!

Have we all gone insane?  Who will stand up for Christ and say, "Enough!"  Who will be willing to stand in the gap?

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