
Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Divided States of America

Jesus said this in Matthew 12;
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Does it feel to you that America has grown more divided in the last 15 years?  Is it just our imagination or has the divisions between politicians in D.C. really spread to main street?

Political polarization has brought Washington to a standstill, but the degree of polarization of the American public remains a subject of debate. Does dysfunction in D.C. reflect a similar split among the people? Or has the vast center somehow lost its political voice?

That's the question the Pew Research Center set out to examine this year, starting with its largest political survey ever—a representative sample of more than 10,000 Americans answering a broad range of questions about their political attitudes and values. The first round of results is being released Thursday.

The study should put to rest any notion that polarization is solely a Washington phenomenon. Our research, which relies on a set of questions we've been asking for two decades, finds that the percentage of American voters who adhere consistently to liberal or conservative views has doubled since 1994, to 21% from 10%.

Partisan acrimony has risen sharply as well. Its not just Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell who can't get along. More than twice as many Republicans and Democrats express a "very unfavorable" opinion of the other party as did two decades ago—when Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich were doing battle. Most of those strong partisans now argue the other side poses a "threat to the nation's well being." And negative views of the opposing party appear to be a more salient political force than positive views of one's own.

The study also undermines the notion, popular in Washington, of "asymmetrical polarization"—which blames Republicans for causing the division. Using a 10-question index of ideological views, our research shows that liberal thinking has coalesced at least as much as conservative thinking over the past two decades. Broad shifts in opinion on homosexuality and immigration, which used to divide the Democratic base, have helped cause the share of Democrats who hold consistently liberal views to more than quadruple, to 23% from 5%. The share of Republicans with consistently conservative views has increased less dramatically over the same time period, falling from 13% in 1994 to 6% in 2004, before spiking to 20% this year.

The political and the personal have become intertwined as well. Those on the left and the right don't just vote differently; they live differently. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of consistent conservatives and about half (49%) of consistent liberals say most of their close friends share their political views. Thirty percent of consistent conservatives say they would be unhappy if an immediate family member married a Democrat, while 23% of consistent liberals say the same. Far more liberals than conservatives think it is important for a community to have racial and ethnic diversity (76% vs. 20%), while far more conservatives than liberals attach importance to living in a place where people share their religious faith (57% vs. 17%).

What has caused this political fracturing of the American public? Theories abound: A more openly partisan media, an explosion of negative political messaging, technology that allows people to readily connect with the like-minded, gerrymandering of congressional districts, closed political primaries and even higher levels of education are cited as changes behind the trends. Our work at the Pew Research Center to date doesn't address causes. Follow-up surveys by the center in the months ahead will allow us to dig deeper into such questions.

But whatever the cause, the majority of Americans don't like what has happened to their politics. Most are put off by the "us versus them" tone of current political debates, and most prefer political leaders who "are willing to compromise." Roughly half of all Americans, when asked how they want President Obama and Republican leaders to resolve their differences on important issues, say they should split the difference—a "50-50" compromise.

Those voices are increasingly lost in the din. The majority of Americans may not be getting the politics they want. But growing minorities have taken clear sides in the political battle, see high stakes in the outcome and are filled with passionate intensity.


Nope!'s not our imaginations.  This nation has truly become more divided.

I will let you draw your own conclusions on where this is going and what it all means, but let me point out one interesting fact stated in the article;  Far more liberals than conservatives think it is important for a community to have racial and ethnic diversity (76% vs. 20%), while far more conservatives than liberals attach importance to living in a place where people share their religious faith (57% vs. 17%). think about this.  What group is most likely to be filled with Bible-believing, followers of Jesus Christ?...liberals or conservatives?  Of course the answer is conservatives.  The liberals think they can make the world a better place by orchestrating racial and ethnic diversity!  The conservative-bible reading-Christ followers (like me and most of my readers) could give a rat about race and ethnicity!!  We love all our brothers and sisters once we discover we ARE OF LIKE MIND.

Also notice that when (if?) the liberals get the upper hand in this country, PERSECUTION will come for conservatives who "cling to their guns and religion."

Do you have division in your own family because of Jesus?  I know I do.  Jesus clearly told us that he didn't come to bring peace but a sword.  He told us that families would divide because of him....and we are seeing that play out in almost EVERY family at our church.  So if it's true at our church, I assume it probably it true at your.

I remember reading about the Civil War when I was a teenager and wondering HOW it could be possible that brother could pick up gun against brother, or son against father or cousin against cousin....but of course it happened and killed hundreds of thousands.

Could we be marching towards another time in this country where people are SO DIVIDED that they would pick up arms against each other?  What side would the US military fall on?  Why has Obama fired so many Generals and officers that seem to side with the conservative mentality?

Now imagine that we throw chaos into this wide division.  Imagine what would happen if the financial foundations of our entire system get pulled out from under us...and people don't know where their next meal is coming from and a crushing depression falls on the you think that might be like throwing gasoline on an already-smoldering fire?

One day America WILL FALL!  We have no idea when...but one thing that is for could happen a lot sooner than most of us think.

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