
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Demonic "Slender Man" Blamed for Another Attack

Last week we were horrified by the story out of Wisconsin. Two 12 yr old girls stabbed their friend in hopes they would appease a "mythical" entity they had discovered on a horror site.  The girls said this entity was named "Slender Man" and appeared to them in dreams and convinced them they needed to score points with him if they wanted to live in his forest they decided to sacrifice their friend.

Hmmmm.....sounds like the work of dark forces under the authority of Satan.

Today we find more news of heinous activity performed for Slender Man.

A Cincinnati woman attacked by her 13-year-old daughter is blaming the fictional online demonic entity Slender Man for the girl's behavior.

Slender Man is the same character police say two Wisconsin 12-year-old girls claim influenced them to stab another girl earlier this month.

The woman told NBC affiliate WLWT that her 13-year-old daughter attacked her with a knife in their kitchen.

"She had her hood up and had her hands covered with her sleeves and the mask," the woman said, adding that her daughter was "someone else during [the] attack."

The woman says she discovered disturbing references to Slender Man in her daughter's writing.

"We found things that she had written and she made reference to Slender Man. She also made references to killing," the mother told WLWT. "She even created a world for Slender Man in the game Mine Craft."

Slender Man, a tall, faceless being in a black suit, is a fictional character notorious for stalking and terrorizing children.


Really?  Is he only a fictional character?  Is Satan a fictional character?  Is God a fictional character? How about all the fallen angels? they exist...or is that all part of an old fable?

Of course the media is going to say that all of it is fictional.

The really sad part is that many pulpits in churches around the country are also going to say that Satan, hell and demons are all "fictional".

Of course Satan loves it when people don't believe in him....then he can go anywhere he wants and have no opposition.

Certainly our parents and grandparents didn't have to witness stories of kids killing their parents or little girls killing their friends.  It is just one more sign of societal breakdown...and more evidence of what happens to a nation when they turn from God.

You see, I believe the USA is suffering a famine.  Very few Americans have accepted Christ as their savior...hence they have NO INTEREST in reading His they have no idea who our enemy is...and they have no idea how to put on the full armor of God to protect themselves and their children from the Evil One.

Amos 8:11
“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.

Because of this we can expect tragic stories about kids killing their parents in homage to increase.

But please remember the rest of the story for those who trust Christ....WE WIN IN THE END!!!!

Hat tip to Ben R.

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