
Monday, June 9, 2014

Gays Claim Bible Supports Homosexuality

I will be the first one to admit that many of us Christians seem to love pointing out the sin of homosexuality and then singling it out for SPECIAL SIN if it is worse than many of the other sins out there.

But why are so many of us doing this?.....BECAUSE THE GAYS ARE IN THE NEWS EVERYDAY!!

They are screaming and insisting that homosexual acts are NOT SINFUL!

So the louder that they scream...someone with a Bible in their hand has to stand up and say, "Yes, Jesus loves us all...but he hates sin.  And no matter how much you deny it, a man having sexual relations with another man will ALWAYS BE SIN!"

Today we find a video on the uber-liberal Huffington Post that supposedly gives us 7 reasons that the Bible actually SUPPORTS same sex relationships.


Now watch how they twist all these biblical things around....

Watch it here;

So....if you were to refute these folks WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?  Would you be able to stand firm and defend what the Word of God actually says?

Of course, the one place they go to make their point is Leviticus 18.  They throw out that law against gay-sex because they argue that we Bible believers have thrown out the ban on shellfish and stoning kids for dishonoring their parents....but yet they CONVENIENTLY ignore the prohibition on gay-sex clearly mentioned in Romans 1.

And how about the lame attempt at saying the word "homosexuality" didn't even exist until the 1800' for that reason the word can't possibly exist in the Bible??

Ummm.....the word "Bible" doesn't exist in the Bible....but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When the Bible talks about men laying with men as they would with a woman.....that is about as clear as you can get that it's describing GAY SEX!

And finally, what a kick that was when the lady in the video says, "As far as religion goes...I think I'm more Buddhist than anything..."

Awesome!!  Then what the heck are you doing making a video that purports to tell us Christians what the Bible does or doesn't say??

And yet, how many gays will watch this video and be led further and further into the lies that surround the homosexual lifestyle?

Lord, deliver us ALL from evil....

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