
Monday, June 16, 2014

Do Jews Have A Future in Europe?

As we have noted over the past 6 years...almost every single day there is something in the Wall Street Journal about Jews and/or Israel.  This makes NO SENSE unless you view it through the lens of scripture.  They are a TINY COUNTRY with hardly any land and only 7 million people!!!  Why is the world so infatuated with this tiny place?

We are told that Israel will be the focal point of the world in the Last Days...and maybe this is just one other sign?

Just ahead of last month's European Parliament elections, which saw the rise of far-right and anti-Semitic parties, four people were murdered in the Jewish Museum of Brussels. The shootings underscored that, in addition to political extremism, Europe's Jews also face the violent threat of jihadists.

Mehdi Nemmouche, a French Muslim, was arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. He appears to have been radicalized in prison, and is believed to have fought for Islamist rebels in Syria. Like Mohamed Merah, who murdered three soldiers, three Jewish children and a Rabbi two years ago in France, Mr. Nemmouche appears to have mixed gangsterism with radical Islam, anti-Semitism and hatred of the West.

With roughly 1,000 European fighters like Mr. Nemmouche estimated to be in Syria, European Union officials are working to devise better strategies for combating radicalization and detecting the movements of people to and from Syria.

But Europe's Jews also face almost daily attacks—both verbal and physical. In France, home to Europe's largest Jewish community of about 650,000, the situation is particularly severe, with 170 anti-Semitic acts reported by the Paris-based Jewish Community Protection Service (SPCJ) and the French Ministry of the Interior in the first trimester of 2014 alone. According to the French League of Human Rights, nearly 50% of all racist acts in France are anti-Semitic, even though Jews represent only 1% of the population.

In nearby Belgium, Laurent Louis—until last month a member of parliament—is trying to reproduce Dieudonné's mass appeal. In early May, Mr. Louis organized a conference to unite French and Belgian anti-Semites, which the Belgian authorities canceled at the last minute.

Government attempts to silence Dieudonné and his followers by prohibiting his shows have failed, largely thanks to the Internet. Dieudonné's anti-Jewish YouTube diatribes receive millions of viewers within hours of uploading. The authorities can ban events but not sentiments. Take one demonstration in January this year, of some 17,000 people in the streets of Paris. Officially meant as a general anti-government protest, hundreds of participants wound up chanting "Jews out of France" and "the gas chambers were fake."

This environment leaves many in the Jewish community, perhaps for the first time since they rebuilt their homes in Europe after the Holocaust, fearing once again for their security and future. Fortunately, some European leaders have begun to grasp the depth of the problem. As French philosopher Albert Camus said: "To give things their correct name is to put the world right a bit." In that sense, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has started to put France right.


Why does the world hate Jews and Israel?  Simple....because Satan hates Jews and Israel.


Because God has made promises to Jews and Israel that have yet to be fulfilled...and Satan would love to interrupt those promises and make God out to be a liar.  One day, the Jews will cry out for Jesus to save them....and Jesus will return to save the remnant.  Satan would love to see to it that no Jews were around to call out to Jesus.

Also, God has called Jerusalem the apple of his Satan would love to sit on a temple of his own in that holy city.

We would suggest that this Antisemitism is going to spread and grow throughout Europe and the rest of the world as time goes on.  We believe that Jews are going to continue to make their way back to the Holy Land so that the Last Days prophecies will play out.  And many of those Jews are not going to leave their lush lives in America or Europe to move back to the Middle East....unless they start to fall OUT OF LOVE with their host countries first.

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