
Monday, June 16, 2014

Obama to Sign LGBT Executive Order

Iraq is spiraling out of control, the economy is one hiccup away from catastrophe, Obamacare is a nightmare, Syria is using chemical weapons, China is rising, Russia is what is our President up to today??.....planning more legislation to appease the lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transgendered.

President Barack Obama will sign an executive order that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, a White House official said Monday.

“The action would build upon existing protections, which generally prohibit federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This is consistent with the president’s views that all Americans, LGBT or not, should be treated with dignity and respect,” the official said.

The White House did not offer a timeframe for the completion of the order or the president’s signing but the announcement comes a day before the president heads to New York for the Democratic National Committee’s annual LGBT Gala. The executive order has been a major focus for LGBT activists as same-sex marriage gains wider acceptance. In 2012, he was warmly welcomed at the event after voicing his support for same-sex marriage in an interview a few weeks earlier.

Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, who has in the past indicated that the White House was working on the order, celebrated the imminent action with a post on Twitter. “Executive action to ban fed contractors from discriminating against #LGBT workers is good for America & for business #WorkplaceEquality,” she wrote.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), the lead sponsor in the Senate of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, welcomed the White House’s plans. “With this announcement, the arc of history bends a little farther toward justice,” he said. “Discrimination simply has no place in American workplaces. This executive order will allow millions more Americans to go to work empowered with the right to do their jobs free of harassment or discrimination.”

Merkley also called on House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to hold a vote on ENDA — which passed in the Senate late last year — so that discrimination protection would apply to Americans in all workplaces.“Most Americans don’t know that it’s still legal in many states to fire someone for their sexual orientation or gender identity,” he said. “That’s because it not only defies common sense, it goes wholly against who we are as a nation. No more excuses. It’s way past time for Speaker Boehner to allow ENDA to have a vote in the House. No one should be fired because of who they are or whom they love.”


Yes!  No one should be fired because of whom they love!

In fact, NO ONE SHOULD BE FIRED for any of their behaviors either!!

Let's go one step further....NO ONE SHOULD BE FIRED, EVER!!....because studies show that people who get fired end up feeling bad about themselves....and it's not loving or tolerant to make anyone feel fact it's hateful to abuse someones feelings...just because they had a different idea than you...and that makes you a hater!!....and soon Obama is going to pass a law that makes it illegal to make anyone feel bad!  YEAH!!!!

I wish these idiot politicians would concern themselves with HOW jobs are created and WHO is creating them....rather than spending all their time figuring out even more legislation to levy against employers...which makes the job-creators less likely to hire anybody!!

"Hey you! you think you are going to hire some people to help you with your small business...huh?  Have you read the 6000 page document on HOW NOT TO DISCRIMINATE?  Do you realize that you can't ever fire any woman, black or hispanic you hire?  Do you know that you have to pay 1/2 of their Social Security taxes?  Did you know that you have to post all their RIGHTS on a board that can be seen by all?  Have you bought unemployment insurance in case your business doesn't go well?  Have you thought about transgendered bathrooms for you new employees?  Do you have wheelchair ramps?  Have you contacted a sign-linguist for your hearing impaired employees?  Have you told them about their maternity rights?  Did you know that you have to pay for 8 weeks of leave for any of your employees who have a baby?  Did you fill out your Obamacare inclusion card for your new employees since you are obligated to teach them all the ins and outs about healthcare?"

Good grief!!

Now lets all get out there and create some more jobs!! many more days, weeks or months will it be before I can turn on the news and NOT SEE A GAY ARTICLE??

"But Dennis, you are just a gay-article HATER!  There should be a law against people like you!"

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