
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is the 12th Imam Coming Soon?

Over the years, we have blogged on the 12th Imam, also called the Mahdi.  In Muslim tradition, hadiths and beliefs, the Mahdi will come at a time of great turmoil on earth.  He will usher in the world-wide Islamic rule and will kill everybody who won't convert to Islam...or so believe many Muslims.

Of concern to the non-Muslim world is the fact that MANY Muslims who await his coming feel its their duty to create enough chaos on the planet so that the conditions can be right for Mahdi to be revealed.

With Iraq coming apart VERY quickly and Iran announcing they won't hesitate to step into Iraq to defend Shiite interests....we should all understand what many of these Muslims believe.

"But Dennis, why should I care what a few hundred million crazy Muslims believe?"

Well, just remember that a few hundred thousand crazy Nazi's lit the world on fire a few decades ago.

In the continuing dismantling of the Iraqi government, a Sunni group known as ISIS has spread panic and fear in much of northern Iraq and continues to destabilize what once was a form of democratic government. Members of ISIS are led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a fundamentalist Islamic leader who is said to have a far more organized and powerful military than existed under al-Qa’ida and Usama bin Laden. Their military attacks have proven effective, and they continue to take over major Iraqi cities, killing Shia Muslims and Christians in their path of terror.

ISIS is an acronym for the “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" as the organization operates in both Iraq and Syria. Like many jihadist groups, its goal is to establish an Islamic state that is true to the teachings of Mohammed, with their current way being a fanatical military movement that is experienced and has a strong leadership directing the military strategy. Thus far, its exercise over northern Iraq and parts of western Syria make it the most successful jihadist movement in history.

This success is being watched closely by neighboring countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey who fear that the expanding military operations of ISIS may come to roost in their own backyard. ISIS recruits many of its members from untrained volunteers from other parts of the world, then trains them to be suicide bombers. For the neighboring countries, this means members of ISIS can act covertly within their own borders. The group is extremely violent and will use any means necessary to establish its Islamic state in Iraq.

Stepping away from the violence and media coverage, ISIS is one of several hundred splinter groups of Islam looking to unite its people before the return of Mahdi, a descendant of Muhammad who is to work in concert with Jesus Christ to conquer the world and convert the entire world to Islam. The ISIS way seems to be that this will take place through a violent and autocratic ascension to power. As they mercilessly kill all those who are not believed to be true Muslims, those who will be left are the faithful. Then the jihad can expand around the globe. 

ISIS rose to power when Sunni influence and power in the political process was marginalized after the end of the Iraq war, even though promised otherwise by the Iraqi government. The idea of unifying the various Muslim sects in the country through a democratic government was turned to rubble by the majority Shia political group. It seems a political solution to the problems of Iraq are no closer to being resolved than at the end of the war.

These end times events are significant. One particular city often mentioned in the Bible concerning the last days is Babylon. For most of the world, it is an ancient city with little modern day influence. Yet in Revelation 17, Babylon is the woman on the beast who slays those who have given testimony to the truth of Jesus. Keep in mind this is the one world political system that emerges in the last days. So while much attention is being paid to the political interests of these individual jihadist groups, the critical location inside the country should not be overlooked. Is it here where the Mahdi appears or will rule from?

Should the Biblical perspective be considered, the country of Iraq remaining a somewhat democratic form of government for any length of time is a pipe dream. The dismantling of the current political system should not surprise anyone, particularly Christians. The focus of the political world has shifted to the Middle East where God wants it. The world may minimize the events there, but it is certain that this is where the end of history will unfold.

ISIS is one more piece of evidence that the warring factions of Islam which have been fighting for power over many centuries will only come together under a single Islamic ruler. The attacks of ISIS have spilled over into Turkey, a country once at the heart of the Ottoman Empire, and which is still heavily Muslim. The targets of attacks and suicide bombers in Turkey were Kurds, who are almost exclusively Sunni. Any ideas of peace among the various Islamic factions are more likely to resolve themselves in military rather than in political form. For the Muslim, that resolution will appear in the form of Mahdi.


Holy Satanic deception!!

Isn't it interesting that the Bible speaks of the Antichrist, the beast and the false prophet being present in the VERY Last days?  I wonder if a billion Muslims may one day (soon?) believe the Mahdi has appeared on earth to usher in global Islam...when in reality it is actually the Antichrist or the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation?

Also, how might the Pope and all the liberal Christians trying to bring together Islam and Christianity (Chrislam) play into this Last Days scenario?  What they call "Christ" might be the same person the Muslims are calling Mahdi.  As we have already seen from the liberal Christians and Catholics...they don't really care what name you use for God, because they believe everyone is worshipping the same God.  So why would they care what name you use for Jesus?....Isa, savior, messiah, mahdi...they are all worshpping the same man....right??  WRONG!!!!

Remember, Jesus said the closer we get to his RETURN the more false Christs (saviors) we should expect.

One thing for sure that NO ONE can argue with....WE ARE LIVING IN INTERESTING TIMES.

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