
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Pace of Obama's Disasters

In my previous blog, we mentioned that a big event, or a series of events, could lead America down the path to further losing our freedoms...and losing our greatness.

I was just now reading the Wall Street Journal from today and I came across this article that talks about how many disasters seem to be happening while Obama is at the helm.

Was it only 10 months ago that President Obama capitulated on Syria? And eight months ago that we learned he had no idea the U.S. eavesdropped on Angela Merkel ? And seven months ago that his administration struck its disastrous interim nuclear deal with Tehran? And four months ago that Chuck Hagel announced that the United States Army would be cut to numbers not seen since the 1930s? And three months ago that Russia seized Crimea? And two months ago that John Kerry's Israeli-Palestinian peace effort sputtered into the void? And last month that Mr. Obama announced a timetable for total withdrawal from Afghanistan—a strategy whose predictable effects can now be seen in Iraq?

Even the Bergdahl deal of yesterweek is starting to feel like ancient history. Like geese, Americans are being forced to swallow foreign-policy fiascoes at a rate faster than we can possibly chew, much less digest.

On Thursday, Russian tanks rolled across the border into eastern Ukraine. On Saturday, Russian separatists downed a Ukrainian transport jet, murdering 49 people. On Monday, Moscow stopped delivering gas to Kiev. All this is part of the Kremlin's ongoing stealth invasion and subjugation of its neighbor. And all of this barely made the news. John Kerry phoned Moscow to express his "strong concern." Concern, mind you, not condemnation.

If the president of the United States had any thoughts on the subject, he kept them to himself. His weekly radio address was devoted to wishing America's dads a happy Father's Day.

Also last week, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria seized Mosul. Then ISIS took Tikrit. Then it was Tal Afar. Mass executions of Shiites in each place. The administration is taking its time deciding what, if any, aid it will provide the government in Baghdad. But it is exploring the possibility of using Iraq's distress as an opportunity to open avenues of cooperation with Tehran.

So because the administration has a theological objection to using military force in Iraq to prevent it from being overrun by al Qaeda or dissolving into potentially genocidal civil war, it will now work with Tehran, a designated state sponsor of terrorism for 30 years and a regime that continues to arm Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad in Gaza and Bashar Assad in Syria, to help "stabilize" Iraq. At least the White House has ruled out military cooperation with Iran. But give it time.

Here, then, is the cravenness that now passes for cleverness in this administration: Make friends with a terrorist regime to deal with a terrorist organization. Deliver Iraq's Arab Shiites into the hands of their Persian coreligionists, who will waste no time turning southern Iraq into a satrapy modeled on present-day Lebanon.


Well at least it's good to know that Obama's golf game hasn't suffered!  He has managed to squeak in hundreds of hours since he became leader of the free world!!  And just imagine what it costs the Secret Service to secure a golf course!!...and the chopper to fly him there!  I'm guessing his RECREATION budget for his family and him probably exceeds the GDP of many smaller NATIONS!!

Wow!  When you look at the list above, and then throw in the disaster of Obamacare...and then throw in his promise to millions of college kids to "help" with their trillion of student debt...maybe America will just come apart one chunk at a time?

Maybe one day we will just wake up and realize that America is not anywhere near the country she once was?  Maybe that day has already arrived...and we just don't realize it yet....because the stock market is at an all time high...and Applebee's is offering half-price appetizers every weekday past 9 PM?

Maybe an entire generation of kids age 30 and younger have already been indoctrinated by public education to believe that the LIBERAL WAY is the ONLY WAY...and we don't have any chance of EVER electing a Conservative President who understands that exceptional-ism was a huge part of the American dream?...and that America WAS FOUNDED on the basis of Judeo-Christian values?

Of course, Obama is ONLY IN OFFICE if the God of the Bible has ordained maybe he is EXACTLY THE LEADER that we deserve...

It's just so hard to watch her sink....

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