Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jews Leave France at Record Pace

Can the Jews in France see the writing on the wall?  Have they seen this movie before...the one where the population of their host country turns on them and blames them for all the problems in society...and then takes their property...and then kills them?

PARIS –  Increasing numbers of French Jews are leaving for Israel, citing dim economic prospects and a sense of being caught between an increasingly influential far right and militant Islam. More than 5,000 are on track to leave this year, the most since after the Six-Day War in 1967.

Israel, seeing the influx as a success, is doubling down on its efforts to attract Europeans, planning to dedicate $29 million over two years to bring in new immigrants.

France has the world’s third-largest Jewish population after Israel and the United States — about 500,000, according to rough estimates in a country that has outlawed any official documentation of a person’s religion since the Holocaust.

Since World War II, France has redoubled efforts to make Jewish families feel welcome. But many say dramatic acts of anti-Semitism coupled with France’s stagnant economy — which includes a 25 percent youth unemployment rate, compared with 11 percent in Israel — make a hard choice easier.

Laurie Levy, 26, left in 2013. A native of the southern city of Toulouse, her departure came after attacks by a French-born Islamic radical on a Jewish school and soldiers left seven people dead, including three children and a rabbi. She has given up on a career in French law and left behind her parents and siblings.

In Tel Aviv, she no longer feels the need to hide the Star of David she wears around her neck. But there are other concerns: Her parents are unlikely to uproot themselves and she worries about their future back in France. They, in turn, worry about her, living alone in a different country.

“Life is beautiful here. You work. You go to the beach. You see your friends. You’re not afraid,” said Levy, who now works at an Israeli design firm. “The irony is that I am more concerned about them than they are about me.”

That she was able to switch fields and find a job is a demonstration of Israel’s economic allure. The country annually welcomes 1,000 French youths for a year abroad and 70 percent of them decide to stay in Israel, according to Ariel Kandel, who runs the Jewish Agency for Israel in Paris.

The agency, which works closely with the Israeli government, aims to strengthen ties between Jews in the diaspora and Israel and spends tens of millions of dollars each year to bring Jews to Israel permanently. The $29 million in new spending targets European Jews and another $8 million will help them resettle.

The Jewish Agency cites an influx of immigrants from France and Ukraine, which has been fighting with separatists and seen some anti-Semitic leaflets distributed amid increasing tensions with Russia.

France doesn’t pose such a dramatic danger. Its economy is stagnant and joblessness is high, but France has among the world’s strongest social safety nets and highest standards of living.

“Never would anyone have thought there would come a time when Israel would be more attractive than France,” Kandel said.


There's that famous word we LOVE to watch for..."NEVER would anyone have thought...."

Ummm...well that's not totally true though...because LONG AGO, there was a prophet named Jeremiah whom The Lord told about the Last Days...

Jeremiah 16:15
"but they will say in that, 'As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.'  For I will restore them to the land I gave their forefathers."

And God also told the prophet Amos 9:14-15
"I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.  They will plant vineyards and drink their wine:  They will make gardens and eat their fruit.  I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God."

Remember, God doesn't do anything without telling the prophets first....and what we are seeing play out in Israel is a CLEAR SIGN told to the prophets.

Amos 3:7
Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.


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