
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Are There "Aliens" Among Us?

The Bible says that the entire universe and everything in it was made by Jesus Christ.  "Through Him ALL THINGS WERE MADE."

Evolutionists are telling us that all life was made by some type of cosmic coincidence and we evolved from some single-celled creature.

When you ask them HOW that primitive life got to earth, many of these folks will tell you that it's possible that life was SEEDED here by other advanced life forms in the other words ALIENS (that also evolved on another planet)  brought life to earth and have been watching our development ever since!

I have blogged about this many times and, no doubt, have had some push back from various readers.

"Dennis, this whole talk of demons disguised as aliens is so far makes you look even stupider than you really are!"

Maybe that's true.

My question back to them is, "Do you believe in angels?"


"Well, please enlighten us as to where the angels come from, what they do, what they look like, where they live, what they eat..and also tell me how intelligent they are.  Also please tell us how their DNA is related to humans."


And so, let it be shown that people that call me stupid also have NO EXPLANATION for the angels that ALL BIBLE READERS believe in!..which makes them appear pretty stupid too!

When you have 20 minutes, please watch this video by Zola Levitt TV that discusses what these STRANGE SIGNS in the skies might be all about.


Also, joining me in the "stupid" category would be Chuck Missler, Gary Stearman, L.A. Marzulli, and a whole host of other Bible-believing Christians.



  1. It's because they aren't so stupid to think angels are earthly beings.

    All of this alien crap makes you seem way stupid.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I don't get it.

    Maybe you can explain to us what an angel is? Are they smart? Are they strong? Are they human? Can they influence the affairs of men? Where do they come from? Could the fallen angels be setting up mankind for deception? The Bible shows numerous examples of angels appearing on who is stupid?

    As I said in the above post; "And so, let it be shown that people that call me stupid also have NO EXPLANATION for the angels that ALL BIBLE READERS believe in!..which makes them appear pretty stupid too!"

  3. Just because a person believe angels exist doesn't mean they do.

    I truly believe FSM is real because it says so in the gospel of FSM but is he real?

    Angels aren't real. It's all made up. So is christianity. It's a hoax. For real though, it's all crap.

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    yes, you are right! Just because many people believe they are all going to heaven to live with their Creator doesn't mean they will...just because millions of Muslims believe that if they blow themselves up in jihad they will get 72 virgins doesn't mean they will.

    Jesus said that faith in Him was the ONLY WAY to eternal life with the Creator/Father.

    I'm guessing you might feel differently about angels/"aliens" if you were one of the millions of people around the world who have had a strange encounter with them.

    No one can prove God to you....but even an idiot can determine that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY to believe that all of the complex life on earth came to being because of some lightning striking a stone some billions of years ago. That whole fable takes an enormous amount of faith to believe! So if you choose to believe that line of dung offered by the HAVE A just choose to worship your fabled "Creator" different than others worship their creator. But make no mistake...your religion is a's all built on a pile of dung.

    With a humble heart, ask God/Jesus to help you understand if He is real...and see what happens?

    Remember, the Bible is the most popular book on earth because it is FILLED WITH TRUTH...and NONE OF IT HAS EVER been proven false...whereas man's ideas are proven false with every generation of new scientists coming up with new theories.

  5. Falsehoods in the bible.

    Plants existed before the Sun and Moon (Genesis 1:11-16)

    The Earth is created before the Sun (Genesis 1)
    ...actually, to just shorten this: The order of events in Genesis 1 is wrong

    The Sun and Moon are set in a physical firmament above the Earth (Genesis 1:16-17)

    The Moon is a/produces light (Genesis 1:16, Isaiah 13:10)

    Global flood (Genesis..mentioned several other times in later books)

    Humanity at a time of civilization which would have enabled large scale construction projects shared a single language (Genesis 11)

    Diverse language happened instantly rather than gradually (Genesis 11)

    The Hebrew population in Egypt somehow goes from dozens to millions in a few hundred years. (Exodus)

    Hares and coneys are ruminants (Leviticus 11:5-6)

    God's cure for lepers (Leviticus 14:2-52)

    Snakebites are cured by a brass serpent on a pole (Numbers 21:8)

    Giants (way too many passages Numbers, Deuteronomy, 2 Samuel, Amos)

    Dragons (Deuteronomy 32:33, Psalms 148:7)

    The Sun apparently moves and can be made to stand still so that people can sneak attack others at night (Joshua 10:12-13)

    The Earth has pillars...I guess instead of being hung it's placed.(1 Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6,26:11,38:4-6...actually, a lot of places)

    Pi = 3(1 Kings 7:23, 2 Chronicles 4:2)

    Either the Earth stopped rotating and moved backward a bit or the Sun moved backward on its own...well, we know what the Bible says about the relationship between the two. (2 Kings 20:11)

    The Earth doesn't move.(1 Chronicles 16:30, Job 38:4-6, Psalms 93:1, 96:10...and a lot of other places where it mentions that the Earth is set on foundations)

    People think in their heart (Esther 6:6, Isaiah 10:7)

    Ostriches are apparently entirely inattentive parents (Job 39:13-16)

    The Sun moves around the Earth (Psalms 19:4-6)

    Snails melt (Psalms 58:8)

    The Earth has four corners (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekial 7:2)

    Lots of fantastical creatures used to exist including satyrs, cockatrices, fiery flying serpents, etc (Isaiah)

    The Earth is definitively flat (Daniel 4:10-11, 20)

    The stars are tiny objects that can fall out of the sky and be stomped upon (Daniel 8:10)

    Fairy tales can't be proven false because they aren't real and you can't prove something false if it doesn't exist.

    Anyway, you're so blinded that you wouldn't accept anything that isn't in line with what you already believe.

  6. Hi Anonymous,
    I will answer you back with what you just said, "Anyway, you're so blinded that you wouldn't accept anything that isn't in line with what you already believe."

    So, yep, I agree with you are so blinded by your religion of evolution and random chance that you can't possibly understand that COMPLEX LIFE could NOT come from a fact a rock can't even make another rock!

    Sadly, unless you repent of your sins and ACCEPT the free offer FROM YOUR CREATOR through the work of Jesus on the will NOT have an excuse when you stand in front of your Creator to face judgment.
    "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20

    Maybe you should take all the things you listed about Bible "fallacy"...and lay them out before God and say, "God, if you are real...please explain these things to me. How can I believe in something that my mind tells me is so filled with errors?"

    I have perfectly logical, legitimate answers for every verse you listed as "falsehoods"....but I won't take the time to explain you seem to not be in the right state of mind to listen.

    One hint for you....people today still say, "Did you see the beautiful sunrise this morning?"....just because someone says that doesn't mean that they are ignorant of the earth's rotation.

    The complexities of life are no fairy tale...they are real and continually baffle the world's top thinkers....but clearly, you must have a better understanding of how life came to earth...and I know we would all love to hear it. Please share. I'll let you start with rocks as a building block and even give you lightning and water to use in your explanation of how complex life got started on earth.

  7. So, yep, I agree with you are so blinded by "...your religion of evolution and random chance that you can't possibly understand that COMPLEX LIFE could NOT come from a fact a rock can't even make another rock!"

    When did I ever take that position? You are deluded.

    I also find it hilarious how you find ways to dismiss anything that is contrary to what you already believe! HAHAHAHAHAHA! SO FUNNY! OMG! Which strengthens the argument that "... you wouldn't accept anything that isn't in line with what you already believe."

    I was a christian and really believed it. I thought the gospel was the way to live a happy fulfilling life and that following Jesus was the way to better understand my fellow man. But then I realized it wasn't. So, I've seen it both ways. I bet you have never seen it both ways.

    You aren't in the right state of mind to listen. Seriously, everything you say is just a confirmation of what you already think is true. You never really investigate honestly. Your sources are slanted and everything that isn't confirmation you either dismiss or twist in some laughably wrong way to make it sound like it's saying what you want it to.

    "One hint for you....people today still say, "Did you see the beautiful sunrise this morning?"....just because someone says that doesn't mean that they are ignorant of the earth's rotation." MAYBE THEY JUST THOUGHT THE SUNRISE WAS ESPECIALLY BEAUTIFUL AND HAD NO REGARD FOR THE MOVEMENT OF THE CELESTIAL BODIES INVOLVED IN CREATING THE SUNRISE.

    "The complexities of life are no fairy tale...they are real and continually baffle the world's top thinkers....but clearly, you must have a better understanding of how life came to earth...and I know we would all love to hear it. Please share. I'll let you start with rocks as a building block and even give you lightning and water to use in your explanation of how complex life got started on earth." This isn't what evolutionists even believe! haha. you are so broken. MORE EVIDENCE THAT YOU JUST TWIST OPPOSING INFORMATION. WOW. YOU ARE SO GOOD AT CONFIRMING YOUR BEIEFS BY LYING TO YOURSELF. WOW.

  8. Sorry anonymous,
    Please enlighten us with how intelligent and complex life came to earth.

  9. I never said anything about how intelligent and complex life came to earth.


    Don't prescribe a position to me and then not back your own views up and claim I have to defend a position that has nothing to do with what I believe.

    Wow. wowowowoww.

  10. When did you ever take that positio?

    "The Earth is created before the Sun (Genesis 1)
    ...actually, to just shorten this: The order of events in Genesis 1 is wrong "

    I believe you were going to enlighten us all on the correct order of events about how and when the universe and life all came to be...since clearly you know.

    And just because you can spell "wow" a bunch of times does not make your position or arguments any more reasonable.


  11. "Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord"

    That includes you, anonymous.

    When you stand before your Creator on judgment day, your Wikipedia explanation, made up by frail and ignorant men...will not save you.

    "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

    You, me and everyone else on earth is included in "all" we can pray that you would humble yourself and accept Jesus as your savior. There is NO other way.

    You are a sinner, and the penalty of sin is death, NOT eternal life. Only faith in Jesus can save you...Jesus said so himself...and He is not a liar.

  12. Dodge dodge dodge. WOW.

  13. Peace, anonymous. I pray you find what you are looking for before you take your last breath and enter into eternity. Being on the WRONG side of things for all of eternity is a very scary and serious thing to contemplate.(Luke 16:19-31) As of right now, your pride appears to be blocking you from acknowledging your Creator....which is Jesus. Your pride has led you to the belief that YOU understand the mysteries of the universe and EVEN to make the statement that the supernatural creations are 'all crap'...when in reality they are MORE REAL than you are!

    To borrow from your comments, "Wow"....that is a whole lot of pride. You must really think you are important...when in reality you are just a feeble man incapable of doing much of anything or influencing much of anything. In a few years you will be gone and forgotten just like all men. The Bible says we are like a for a brief moment and then gone.

    Since emails are long and tedious, my advice would be that you take all your Bible questions to a pastor at a Bible teaching Church in your area (your best bet might be a Baptist church) and list off your grievances with God/Jesus and the Bible and see if you can get some closure. I could answer your questions, but I simply don't have the time to email back and forth on your 24 questions....most of which require more than short answers.
