
Thursday, July 3, 2014

World UFO Day

ABC News has a story with video clips about strange UFO sightings in commemoration of World UFO Day.

There's something mysterious in the sky. Sometimes it's a saucer-shaped object. Sometimes it's a series of lights that change in formation, color and speed. Other times someone steps forward to admit that the mystery is, well, nothing more than a hoax. One thing is certain: the phenomena of UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, will keep many with their eyes (and cameras) fixed on the skies for years to come.


We posted about it when it happened, but I still think one of the strangest ones, in this list of 15 sightings, is the one where a glowing orb descends down on top of the Golden Dome Mosque in Jerusalem before it shoots off at the speed of sound.  This strange phenomenon was captured by numerous people from numerous angles and no one has ever come up with a logical explanation....that I know of anyway.

This article is just one more example of how the world is being prepared to accept "aliens" as factual beings of higher intelligence who are visiting us from far away planets.

In reality, we believe the evidence will show that they are some type of demons, fallen angels and/or strange flesh that have become part of of Satan's Last Days plan to deceive mankind and turn them away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

They are NOT coming from some planets light years away....they have been here since Lucifer fell and took 1/3 of the angels with him...and they are dwelling in the same angelic realm that the other angels exist in...which is all around us but we just can't see them unless they allow themselves to be seen.

Hat tip to James L.

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