
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Red Heifer Found in America

During the days when a Temple stood in Jerusalem, the high priests needed to purify themselves by using the ashes from a PERFECT red heifer.

Jewish tradition says there have only 9 perfect red heifers and the ashes from those heifers were used in Solomon's Temple and then the rebuilt Temple, usually referred to as Herod's Temple.

There has NOT been a red heifer born in Israel in over 2000 as the article says, this news is causing quite a stir at the Temple Institute.

“This is the statute of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the people of Israel to bring you a red heifer without defect, in which there is no blemish, and on which a yoke has never come. (Numbers 19:2)

One of the biblical conditions for the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem may have perhaps been met recently when a red heifer was discovered in the United States.

In January a red heifer, or Parah Adumah, was born to a cow herding family in an undisclosed location in the US, who wish to see the animal used for the purity service during the preparations for the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

The family has reportedly not marred or maimed the animal in any way, nor will they be using the animal for work or feeding it any growth hormones. All this to comply with Jewish law of keeping the animal as nature created it.

The red heifer is a cow whose coat has no more than one single hair of any color other than red, and whose skin, hoofs, and eyelids are all also reddish. Rabbi Chaim Richman, the world’s foremost expert on red heifers and director of The Temple Institute, confirmed that the red heifer was being raised in accordance with Jewish law with the express purpose of “being presented to the Jewish people for the role of cleansing in the third temple,” he told WND.

“The God of Israel determined based on his wisdom that the ashes of the red heifer is the secret to restoring purity to the world,” explained Richman.

The uniqueness of the red heifer, aside from its irregularity in nature – there has not been a red heifer born in Israel in over 2,000 years – is that in order to qualify for the purification ceremonies in the Temple, the animal may not be worked or tampered with nor may it have a blemish of any kind.

Rabbi Richman says that the people who own this animal and who are raising it are going to great pains to make sure that this red heifer will be useable for the ceremony.

“She won’t be branded, tagged, or used for any work, the plan is to watch her, and take care of her, and The Temple Institute is very thankful to those raising her, as everything is being done with extreme sensitivity and respect to the requirements of the raising of the red heifer according to the Torah of Israel as described in Numbers 19, and expounded upon in Jewish tradition,” he stated.

Richman explained why the appearance of this red heifer, as opposed to others over the years, is creating such a stir. “There have been a number of red heifers over the years. Every time one of them is born The Temple Institute tries to keep an eye on them, and stay informed. There have been many of them that have been disqualified over the years for one reason or another,” he said.

“We are all excited about this one and watching this one. For there is a tradition that there were nine perfect red heifers that were used throughout history, and that the 10th would usher in the messianic era, and the rebuilding of the Third Temple,” he added.


As followers of Christ, WHY should this chatter about Temples and red heifers be interesting?

Because the Jews are getting ready to build the Third Temple and they have been putting together everything necessary to do the job, including golden menorahs, ephods with special threads for the priests, finding men from the tribe of Levi to serve as priests and numerous other preparations.  They KNOW that the Lord will provide them with a red heifer when the time is right...and just MAYBE that time is now.

Currently there is a famous mosque sitting on the temple mount that is adored by a billion Muslims and it will be interesting to watch and see how a Temple is going to go up next to that mosque without inciting WWIII.

But the Bible is clear that the Jews WILL BE SACRIFICING again during the final 7 years of the 490 that Gabriel told to Daniel.  3 1/2 years into this period, the Antichrist will go into this yet-to-be-built Temple and declare himself to be God. When this happens, all hell will break loose on earth and the Antichrist will turn on the Jews and attempt to kill them all.  Jesus said if he didn't return to cut these days of tribulation short that NO FLESH would survive.

So all this talk about Temples and red heifers is simply one more sign that we are in the VERY Last Days.  Jesus is coming!...first for His bride...and then He comes back to cut those days of Tribulation short.

Jesus told us to "Watch!"...and this news about the Jews and Temples is definitely something of interest.


  1. Maybe Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer would suffice?! I think I saw it fly by recently! Oh wait, that might have been a UFO. Do you think the devil would disguise himself as a red heifer?

  2. The Bible is clear that a third temple will be built in the Last Days and that the Jews will be sacrificing animals at it. If you have been watching the news at all, you can see that reality is moving closer. So you can continue to watch for Rudolf...or you can read your Bible and WATCH the news. Since Jesus told us to WATCH...I would advise you do so as well.

    Of course followers of Christ WILL NOT BE HERE to see most of this activity...since a loud trumpet and the voice of the archangel will have already called us into the sky to be with Jesus.

    "After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."

    Where are we going to meet our Lord? In the air.


  3. Where does it explicitly say a third temple will be built? How come Jesus in Matthew 23-24 talks about the temple that that generation saw for themselves would be destroyed and that house to be left DESOLATE? Jesus must have been mistaken say the liberal whackos and, sadly, short-sighted dispensationalists (a false religion since it denies the complete work of Christ on the cross). Every single time Jesus mentioned generation it referred to those people living at that time (1st century) . To say that Jesus was not speaking about that generation, but rather a future generation is to make him out to be a liar. Why do you make this same mistake that my liberal college professors do?
    Jesus is the true Temple, hopefully one day you will see that. (John 2).
    Jesus wants us to be salt and light, spreading the, unlike you, i don't have time to waste scanning the web/paper for "ohmygoodnessitstheendoftheworld" stupid websites (well, actually they're not so stupid since they make money everytime some idiot clicks on the link).

  4. Hi anonymous,
    Daniel 9

    25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[f] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[g] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[h] In the middle of the ‘seven’[i] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

    Hope you can understand this..."and at the temple he (antichrist) will set up..."

    There isn't a temple in one will need to be built. Think about it...

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't make Jesus a liar.

    I hope you are out making disciples and scattering seed because Jesus could return at any moment...and the age of grace will slam shut...just like the door did on Noah's ark.

    Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah..."

  5. Daniel 9 has been fulfilled, there is no 2,000+ year gap. The latter was invented by disillusioned Anglican priest John Nelson Darby in the 19th century (based upon special revelation and dreams of a seriously disturbed woman named Margaret McDonald) . Once you understand Daniel 9 properly your dispensationalism will completely collapse under its own weight. I just hope you don't reject Christianity altogether once this happens. Good luck.

    Was there no grace in the OT? 'Age of grace' is another misnomer, and an afront to Jesus. Paul cites Abraham (a Christian) as the epitome of grace alone. But we'll just leave that aside for now. :) You've got enough on your plate dismantling heretical dispensationalism.

  6. Anonymous,
    sorry, but you are delusional...

    There is a gap...and the 70th week of Daniel HAS NOT happened.

    I suppose you next are going to tell me you believe that Revelation has all happened too...and then you are going to make up some story filled with the word "symbolic" to explain away all the things that are YET TO HAPPEN.

    The Temple will be built, the Antichrist will sit at it, the trumpet will blow calling us all into the sky, the Great Tribulation WILL happen (exactly as Jesus said), the Thousand Years WILL happen, and Satan will be thrown into the abyss first and the lake of fire AFTER the thousand years is over.

    Read your Bible and ask the Lord to explain it to you. You know there is a blessing promised to those who read Revelation and TAKE IT TO HEART! Revelation 1:3

    Check it out!
