
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Is There Still a Civil War in Syria?

If you were only to watch the mainstream media, one would believe that the civil war in Syria must be over.  There are NO headlines or reports coming out on CBS, NBC and ABC about what is happening in Syria...and of course NOTHING about the 88,000+ civilians who have been killed in brutal and heinous ways by both sides over the past three years.  I guess Muslims butchering other Muslims has become such common place that it doesn't qualify as "news" anymore.

But you know what the media IS constantly reporting about?  The 1000 civilians killed in Gaza.

So according to the media...1000 civilians killed in Gaza is FAR MORE important than 88,000 civilians killed in Syria.

Hmmmm......I wonder why?

Just in case you are wondering, the war IS still happening in Syria and last week may have been one of the bloodiest since the war began.

BEIRUT—More than 2,000 Syrians — almost half of them pro-government forces — have been killed in just over two weeks of fighting in Syria, marking one of the worst death tolls in the country’s three-year civil war, opposition activists said Monday.

The reports reflect a recent surge in deadly attacks by the al-Qaida-breakaway Islamic State group targeting President Bashar Assad’s forces, signaling shifting priorities as Sunni militants seek to consolidate their hold on territory and resources in northern Syria.

Assad’s forces have gained momentum in the fighting with rebels seeking to topple him from power. Infighting also has hurt the rebel cause, with Islamic extremists battling more moderate fighters who have been greatly weakened by lack of weapons and clashes with the militants.

But a series of recent setbacks for the Syrian government at the hands of the Islamic State group threatens to overturn government successes, pitting the Syrian army against a formidable force that now controls large chunks of territory in the country’s north and neighboring Iraq.

“Now that they’ve mopped up rebel resistance to them in the east, the Islamic State (group) can turn to the regime,” said Aymenn al-Tamimi, an expert on militant factions in Syria and Iraq. “It may have been a benefit (to the Islamic State) to deal with rebels first, but the assault against the regime was inevitable.”

The recent attacks came after Assad was re-elected last month to a third, seven-year term in a vote that was confined to government-controlled areas and dismissed by the opposition and its Western allies. In his inauguration speech on July 16, he confidently declared victory and praised his supporters for “defeating the dirty war.”

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 2,000 people have been killed since Assad’s inauguration, nearly half of them soldiers and government-allied militiamen.

It didn’t provide a breakdown for the rest of the casualties, which would include civilians and opposition fighters.

“These are the highest losses for regime forces suffered in the space of 10 days since the uprising against Assad began” in March 2011, said Rami Abdurrahman, the director of the Observatory. The group documents losses on the opposition and government side through a network of activists on the ground in Syria.

Other activists in Syria confirmed that past weeks have seen a record death toll.

The Britain-based Observatory said in July that 171,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in March 2011. At that time, it said the dead included 39,036 government forces, 24,655 pro-government gunmen, 15,422 opposition fighters, 2,354 army defectors and more than 500 Lebanese fighters from the Hezbollah militant group that is backing Assad. The rest were mostly civilians.


The rest were mostly civilians??  That's horrendous!!

Why are there not Muslim and liberal protesters shouting in the streets of London, France and all the Muslim countries??  Why is the world not DEMANDING that these massive civilian deaths be stopped?  Why are politicians and professors not writing editorials in the major newspapers demanding that the world stand together to STOP this slaughter of innocent civilians?  Why doesn't CBS do an personal story on some of the civilians they do in Gaza?

Here is one possibility;  because Muslims killing Muslim civilians is totally acceptable to the world...but when Jews defend themselves against Muslims and civilians get killed in collateral damage of war....the world ends up having a hissy-fit....and the Muslims and liberals around the world start marching and protesting to demand an end to the violence.

Do you think the world has a bias against Israel and Jews?

Is the Pope Catholic?

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