
Monday, July 28, 2014

More Interesting Talk on Blood Moons

Some of you know that we are currently in an interesting time of lunar and solar eclipses.  The first blood moon was last April and one is coming this fall, then next spring, then the last one will be in the fall of 2015.

What's interesting about these four 'blood moons' is that they all fall on Jewish Feast Days.

Some prophecy watchers believe they MEAN NOTHING!  Others believe that they are just one more sign, among many, that we are fast approaching The Tribulation.

You can make up your minds for yourselves.  Is it all just a random coincidence....or something more?

NASA says there will be 12,064 lunar eclipses between -1999 BC and +3000 AD.   

Of these 12,064 lunar eclipses, 3,479 will be total lunar eclipses.  That’s an average of less than one total lunar eclipse per year.   It is an average of 2.5 lunar eclipses per year of "total plus partial" lunar eclipses.

During that time there will be 142 Lunar Tetrads (four total lunar eclipses in a row, with no intervening partial lunar eclipse).  62 will occur between 1 AD and 2100 AD.  Of the 62, 8 will occur on Biblical Feast Days, so they are called "Biblical Tetrads".  The 8th "Biblical Tetrad" occurs in 2014-2015 and there will not be another "Biblical Tetrad" for almost 600 years.  We are in the time of this tetrad now.

The chances of any lunar eclipse occurring on any particular day, whether total or partial, is less than 3/365.  The chances of one occurring on particular days 4 times in a row would be 3/365 x 3/365 x 3/365 x 3/365 = or about one in 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = one in 100 million days, or once in 273,000 years.  Nevertheless they have occurred on the first day of Passover and Tabernacles 7 times since 1 AD, and are getting ready to occur again in 2014 and 2015.  Statistically, they should probably NEVER HAPPEN.

In 2014, the first of 4 total lunar eclipses occurred on Passover (First Feast Day), April 15, 2014, followed by a solar eclipse on April 29, 2014, then the second total lunar eclipse occurs on the Feast of Succoth or Tabernacles (Last Fall Feast Day), October 8, 2014, followed by another solar eclipse on October 23, 2014.

In 2015, the Jewish religious year begins with the total solar eclipse March 20, 2015, then two weeks later the third total lunar eclipse occurs on Passover, April 4, 2015, and then the civil year beginning with the total solar eclipse on September 13, 2015 followed two weeks later by the fourth total blood red moon on the Feast of Succoth, September 28, 2015.

Tetrads of four sequential lunar eclipses with no intervening partial lunar eclipses occurs 6 other times in this century, but this is the only time it occurs on the Jewish holy days of Passover and Feast of Tabernacles.

The last time that four blood red moons occurred together was in 1967-1968, probably related to the recapture of Jerusalem by Israel.  The time that the tetrad occurred before this was in 1949-1950, probably related to Israel becoming a nation.  Before this time, the last occurrence was 1493-1494, probably related to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain.

Since 1 AD, a "Biblical tetrad" has occurred on these holy days a total of 7 times.  In 2014-2015, it will be the 8th time.  It won't occur again for another 500 years.


Hat tip to Tom F.

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