
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mega Terror Attack Predicted in U.S. Malls

Just imagine if Muslim suicide bombers, along with gunmen, attacked malls in the USA multiple times.

Maybe it could be dozens of malls right during a Muslim holiday?  Maybe they follow it up with a mall attack someplace every week after that.

What do you think would happen to mall attendance in America? would go down drastically.

What do you think that may do to our "recovered" economy?....which is largely based on consumerism and millions of us buying things we don't need....just cuz it makes us feel better? (retail therapy)

If this guy is correct....he says it's coming.

"The target will be shopping malls. The method will be with explosive devices meant to inflict suffering and death and to wound as many as possible."     

Dr. Jim Garrow is a 2009 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. His work saving baby girls from gendercide in China came to international attention as did his rather elite network of schools across China.  He worked in Intelligence in the US government, and says that according to his contacts, a huge mega-terror attack in America is to take place.  He joins Tamar on her show and talks about his past, his present connections with intelligence sources, and his firm belief that in the future, a mega-terror attack will take place in American shopping malls across the continent.   

According to a send-out of his: 

"Intelligence Rumblings:

I have avoided sharing certain information because I took an oath and will not break that oath. I am skating on the edge today because of information that I would be derelict in my duty if I did not share it. Islamists currently in the country, aided by those who have recently arrived via the southern sieve we call a border and those who boldly came on aircraft in a variety of disguises have a purpose in their criminality. Be warned, this is not for the faint of heart.

The target will be shopping malls. The method will be with explosive devices meant to inflict suffering and death and to wound as many as possible. This is terrorism in its lowest form. The purpose is to inflict fear in the hearts of Americans through this targeting of where we go to shop and relax.

The date will be a significant one for the Islamists. The event will happen simultaneously across America at hundreds of locations (note the number). The police, DHS, and security services throughout the nation should be warned and take appropriate action.

Why release this on Facebook? It turns out that the necessary agencies are reading my stuff. Why make phone calls when this gets the news out in a speedy fashion to all of them in an instant message.

Be warned, my sources on this are impeccable. I lay my 100% record of reliability on the line.- Dr. Jim Garrow
Jul 25, 2014"


Friends, we have NO IDEA what may be coming for America, BUT, this guy is a nominee for the Nobel Peace it's not just coming from the National Enquirer.

"But Dennis, God would never allow our enemies to over run us!  He is a God of love and mercy!  He will always bless us and care for us!  He likes our economy to be healthy and He likes it when we shop at malls because He wants us to have good mall jobs and also to have fun!"

Hmmmm.....better re-read your Bibles...because mine says that God is NEVER CHANGING.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Read Lamentations 1 and be reminded what happened to Jerusalem and Judah BECAUSE OF THEIR SIN.

The roads to Zion mourn,
    for no one comes to her appointed festivals.
All her gateways are desolate,
    her priests groan,
her young women grieve,
    and she is in bitter anguish.
5 Her foes have become her masters;
    her enemies are at ease.
The Lord has brought her grief
    because of her many sins.
Her children have gone into exile,
    captive before the foe.
6 All the splendor has departed
    from Daughter Zion.
Her princes are like deer
    that find no pasture;
in weakness they have fled
    before the pursuer.
7 In the days of her affliction and wandering
    Jerusalem remembers all the treasures
    that were hers in days of old.
When her people fell into enemy hands,
    there was no one to help her.
Her enemies looked at her
    and laughed at her destruction.

WHO brought her grief BECAUSE of her sin??

The Lord did.

Who could wipe America from the map because of her sin?

The Lord could.

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