
Friday, August 1, 2014

Atheists Are Mostly Democrats

Gallup did a poll and it turns out that religious people tend to be Republicans and atheists tend to be Democrats.

Does that surprise anyone?  It shouldn't.

The so-called "God Gap" between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll.

Among very religious Americans, about half, 49 percent, identify as Republican or are likely to vote Republican. Among nonreligious Americans, also about half, 52 percent, identify as Democrats or are likely to vote for Democrats.

This God gap, sometimes called the "religious participation gap," has characterized party politics in the United States for at least the seven years that Gallup has been measuring it, Frank Newport, editor in chief for Gallup, pointed out in a blog post.

Religiosity was measured using two survey questions. One asked respondents how important religion is in their daily lives. The other asked how often they attend religious services. With the answers, Gallup created a three category classification — very religious, moderately religious and nonreligious.

Among the moderately religious, a plurality, 44 percent, supported the Democrats while 38 percent supported Republicans. Independents comprised a slightly greater proportion of the nonreligious, 15 percent, than the religious, 11 percent.

Looking at race and ethnicity, the God Gap persisted among whites, Latinos and Asians, but not among blacks. Blacks showed strong support for Democrats, about 75 percent, regardless of their level of religiosity.

"From a practical politics standpoint," Newport wrote, "Republicans face the challenge of expanding their party's appeal beyond the minority of Americans who are very religious, and appealing to Hispanics and Asians given that even the most religious of these growing groups tilt Democratic, albeit not as much as others in these groups who are less religious. Democrats face the challenge of attempting to broaden their party's appeal beyond the base of those who are moderately or nonreligious, a tactic that most likely will require effort to frame the party's positions on social justice and equality issues in a way that is compatible with a high degree of religiousness."

Friends, it's NOT going to be Republicans that are going to come up with the magic formula to fix this country.  I'm not sure it can be fixed by men.  We may have already sailed past the point of no return...and the explosion of immorality across this country is a symptom that God has already given us over to the desires of our heart.

All this political talk about job creation, lowering taxes, raising taxes, cutting programs vs. expanding programs, help the poor vs. let the poor help themselves, etc.... is actually getting quite boring to me.

The simple fact is that this nation has been moving AWAY from the FEAR OF THE LORD over these past few decades.  Without the FEAR....we can have no wisdom. If our leaders have no wisdom our country will eventually run aground.

So it comes as no surprise that those folks who FEAR THE LORD tend to vote Republican.  Of the two choices that have a chance of winning major Republican is the LEAST WORST option.

The liberal Christians who I run into don't believe in things like hell and the wrath of God.  They cling to all the passages on love and ignore the Old Testament and discussions on judgment.  They also are almost certain to believe that there are other ways to God aside from Jesus.  They have invented a Jesus that they believe would drive an electric car, wouldn't eat meat, listens to PBS, NEVER speaks about sin, (because it's SO judgmental to do so) would support gay marriage because its the loving thing to do, and would work with Buddha, Ghandi, Muhammad and Vishnu to achieve world peace.

"Many will say on that day, "But Lord, Lord!  Didn't we prophecy in your name and cast out demons in your name?"  And I will say to them, "Depart from me.  I don't know you." (I paraphrased this verse from might not be perfect)

Scary words coming from Jesus.  It means that these people THOUGHT THEY KNEW JESUS but Jesus had NO CLUE who they were!....because they had been worshiping a Jesus that they created in their own minds...which had nothing to do with the Jesus of the Bible.

How about all of us??  Do we have a personal relationship with the REAL Jesus?  Or is the Jesus that we think we know someone we made up to serve our own purposes?

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