
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Detroit Slammed by Record Rainfall

Poor Detroit.  Less than 1/3 of their street lights work, entire neighborhoods are sitting vacant, taxes for the people remaining are going to head through the roof, pensions are failing, police are vacating....and now on top of it all they get the most rain EVER!

Historic rain event slams metro Detroit

A historic rain event is now winding down across metro Detroit, but the damage has been done.

Earlier Monday afternoon, a batch of moderate rain was moving northward through the area. Rain was ending just south of the state line, and that was moving north, too. While we knew that some areas in southern Monroe and Lenawee counties have received 1 to 3 inches of rain, it was felt that we could handle that.

But what came next was NOT expected: Back in the area where the rain had ended, a second batch of even heavier rain developed out of nowhere and parked itself right over the heart of the metro area -- you can see that on this radar image that I tweeted out at 6:15 p.m. By that time, it became apparent that an extremely heavy amount of total rain was going to fall on the core of our freeway system, and the National Weather Service issued a Flood Warning.

I have lived my entire life and worked my entire career here, and I have never seen as widespread a flooding event.

Yes, I vividly remember the May 2004 historic month of rain -- our second wettest month ever with 8.46 inches of rain -- but that was a bunch of rainy days that really added up.

I also remember some individual intense thunderstorms that flooded ONE freeway. But I don't ever remember EVERY freeway being flooded out.


Funny how catastrophes are NEVER expected.

Interesting how the heaviest rain 'developed out of nowhere."


Of course the liberals will read this article and scream "Global warming!  We need a carbon tax right now or we are all gonna die!"

The conservatives will read this and say, "That's why everyone should have good insurance!"

But the Bible readers will read this and say, "Just more evidence of the birth pangs Jesus said to watch for!"

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