
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ISIS is Beheading Lots of Folks

The Islamic State fighters (ISIS) are rampaging through Iraq and Syria basically killing anyone that gets in their way.

They seem to enjoy beheading people.  And now there are even reports from numerous sources that ISIS is beheading children.

WARNING GRAPHIC, RAW PHOTOS -- ISIS on Christians: 'There is nothing to give them but the sword'

The Islamic State has warned Christians, possibly for the last time, saying "there is nothing to give them but the sword." Across Northern Iraq, Christians are huddled in refugee camps, trapped in the desert, or trapped in their homes, waiting for death.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Although Christians have lived in northern Iraq and Syria for nearly two-thousand years, and at least six hundred years before Islam, today they face extinction across the region. 

"Our people are disappearing," Canon Andrew White, head of the Anglican Church in Iraq "It looks as though the end could be very near," he told the BBC.

A week ago, Christians were warned to either leave the city of Mosul and other areas under Islamic State control, or they would have to pay a tax or be put to death. Today, nobody has heard from those Christians and nobody knows what is happening to them. 

Are they being quietly "put to the sword" as this militant strain of Islam asks they be?

The Human Rights Watch reported on July 14 that homes in Mosul were painted with red letters to indicate Christian homes. Other homes of Shiite Muslims were also adorned. 

Christians who have escaped reported being deprived of all their belongings except their clothes. Jewelry, money, automobiles, even food and water were confiscated on the edge of town as Christians were forced to pass through Islamic State checkpoints. 

However, we know a number of Christians remained, for many reasons. Some were too destitute to travel or had weak and infirm family who could not make the desert trek to safety. 

Those that left were warned "don't even dream of returning."

For those that remain, they can almost certainly expect harsher treatment than that meted out to fellow Muslims at the hands of ISIS terrorists. 

Estimates hold that 200,000 Christians live in the region, however only a fraction of these have been accounted for. Where are all the missing Christians? Are they already being put to the sword? It's very possible. 


Of course many in The West will look at this news and say, "It's sad BUT it's not our problem!!  We can't police the whole world against bad people doing bad things!"

They do have a point.  We stood by in Rwanda and let a whole society hack each other to death with machetes, rape the mothers in front of their kids...and did nothing.

We have let some crazy folks butcher lots of other folks in Congo.

We have let North Korea keep a million people in concentration camps where people eat dead babies to avoid starvation.

You see, even 30 years ago most of us would have NEVER heard anything about the atrocities that are happening around the world....but today with Facebook and other social media, we have instant access to photos and video of people sawing heads off with steak knives while the victim blubbers in terror and agony as their head SLOWLY gets sawed off.

Can we really turn the other cheek?  Can we really just ignore the plight of these victims?  Can we really let Muslims butcher hundreds of thousands of Christians and brag about it on Facebook?

Or will we get drawn into the Muslim world to, once again, try and stop the butchers?

Now hear is the sad truth;  The forces of Islam that are responsible for these atrocities are Muslims being led by Satanic forces.  And how does The West go about fighting Satan with guns and bullets?

As The West abandons Jesus, scoffs at the Bible, erases the 10 Commandments and mocks the capable are we going to be to fight spiritual battles?

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