
Monday, August 11, 2014

ISIS Tells World That They Are Coming

The Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) tells the entire world that they are coming.  What do they want?  Convert to Islam, submit to sharia law....or die.

Video released by the Islamic State (IS) group has shown militants celebrating and raising the black IS flag over buildings and facilities in a number of key Iraqi locations under their control.
The militants took control of Mosul in June, and captured a string of towns and Iraq's largest hydroelectric dam and reservoir in recent weeks.
In the video, armed militants of the Islamic State group stand by a tank, holding weapons as one declares to the camera: "Our message to the entire world is that we are the soldiers of the Caliphate state and we are coming."
Pushing southward from Mosul, they swept over Sunni-majority towns almost to Iraq's capital of Baghdad, and now hold large parts of western Iraq as well as swaths of neighbouring Syria.
Iraqi government forces crumbled in the face of the assault but have since been able to prevent the militants from advancing into Shiite-majority areas.
Reports coming from Iraq are telling us that IS is so brutal that they are beheading children and putting their heads on poles around Mosul.
No doubt this group is being powered by Satanic forces.  Ultimately they want to destroy Israel.

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