
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hundreds Report UFO Over Houston

Some of my readers are skeptical about the millions of people who have reported seeing strange lights and moving ships in the sky....since they are unidentified, they are referred to as UFO's.

Thousands of folks worldwide have reported actually having contact with strange beings that have come off some of these ships.  Many of these people are credible witnesses including military officers and police officers.

Today we find another report coming out of Houston.

Hundreds of people report seeing a UFO over Houston, Texas

 FINALLY, a picture of a UFO that is not a badly photoshopped flying cigar.

And not just one image. Hundreds of people reported seeing a ring of blinking lights in the sky above Houston, Texas, during a lightning storm last week and plenty of them had cameras.

Photographs and videos of the event have been circulating on social media, generating so much interest on social media that the Huffington Post actually ran a poll on “The Texas UFO”.

The video, which shows a circle of brightly coloured lights moving around in the sky, has been declared both “amazing” and “nothing” by UFO-logists and sceptics alike.

“I think the trick with UFOs is figuring out what else they could be,” Dr. Carolyn Summers, vice president for astronomy at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, told KPRC-TV.

“It’s easy to say that it could be aliens. The more people who see it in different directions, the more likely we are to figure out where it is, what it is, and see if we can explain it.”

Check out photos here;

The last time I posted on a UFO one reader commented that he thought I was giving "Christians a bad name" by floating all these strange ideas about the possibility of demons/Satanic forces that could be responsible for many of these strange sightings in the sky.

I am convinced that SOME of these strange craft and beings are being manifested by Satan and his demons.  Remember the Bible calls him the Prince Of The Powers Of The Air....Hmmmmm....

"Dennis, that's just plain crazy talk!"


OK.  How is that any more crazy than believing that Jesus is the Creator of the universe, or that God destroyed the world with a global flood, or that the Nephilim spoken of in the Old Testament were actually hybrids of demons copulating with women, or that Jesus was raised from the dead and is actually alive and is coming back to planet earth to rule and reign with us for a thousand years, or that Jesus is actually going to return and slay millions of people who rebelled against him at the end of battles of Armageddon, or that a trumpet is going to blow and Jesus is going to transform millions of people into eternal bodies in the twinkling of an eye?

"Well Dennis, I believe in all THAT stuff...but I don't believe in any crazy demons flying around in floating ships!" it....that sounds TOTALLY rational to believe in some 'crazy' Bible tales, but not to believe in crazy UFO tales.

Friends, the book we hold so dear (Bible) is a SUPERNATURAL BOOK and only gives us a glimpse of the supernatural realm of God and His created angels....good ones and bad ones.

In these Last Days in which we live, isn't it possible that Satan is using some of these UFO's to deceive the people of planet earth into believing that there are beings from other planets who are visiting us?

Maybe these lights over Houston have a logical explanation....but maybe they don't.

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