
Thursday, August 21, 2014

USA Will Crumble Without Water

As we read the Bible we discover that one way God dealt with Israel's disobedience was by stopping the rain.  With no rain there was soon no food.  Famine and death was the result.

Jeremiah 14
This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the drought: “Judah mourns, her cities languish; they wail for the land, and a cry goes up from Jerusalem. The nobles send their servants for water; they go to the cisterns but find no water. They return with their jars unfilled; dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads.

If you have been reading my blog at all, you know that California is suffering through the worst drought in the state's recorded history.  And as the lakes and reservoirs go dry the desperate farmers and citizens start drilling more wells hoping to take the water out of aquifers below the ground.

So what happens when the aquifers go dry....and it still hasn't rained?

Check out this National Geographic article that was on Google News today;

If You Think the Water Crisis Can't Get Worse, Wait Until the Aquifers Are Drained

We're pumping irreplaceable groundwater to counter the drought. When it's gone, the real crisis begins.

A severe drought in California—now approaching four years long—has depleted snowpacks, rivers, and lakes, and groundwater use has soared to make up the shortfall. A new report from Stanford University says that nearly 60 percent of the state's water needs are now met by groundwater, up from 40 percent in years when normal amounts of rain and snow fall.

Relying on groundwater to make up for shrinking surface water supplies comes at a rising price, and this hidden water found in California's Central Valley aquifers is the focus of what amounts to a new gold rush. Well-drillers are working overtime, and as Brian Clark Howard reported here last week, farmers and homeowners short of water now must wait in line more than a year for their new wells.

In most years, aquifers recharge as rainfall and streamflow seep into unpaved ground. But during drought the water table—the depth at which water is found below the surface—drops as water is pumped from the ground faster than it can recharge. As Howard reported, Central Valley wells that used to strike water at 500 feet deep must now be drilled down 1,000 feet or more, at a cost of more than $300,000 for a single well. And as aquifers are depleted, the land also begins to subside, or sink.

For years now, we have wondered if California is going to be the state where the evidence of judgment on this nation shows up first.  After all, they have been the porn capital of the world for decades, the divorce capital, the Hollywood-trash capital, the "Free-love" capital, the Hedonism capital, the gay capital and in many other ways they have been the "Who needs God?" capital.  We believe the worship of Mammon may be MOST EVIDENT in California.

Now, all that being said, think about WHERE some of the best preachers in the world are preaching? Yep!....California!

Make a list and then I'm sure you can come up with more....David Jeremiah, Greg Laurie, Shane Idlemann, John Macarthur....ALL of these preachers are preaching repentance from sin, Jesus is the exclusive way to salvation and that the rapture of the church is the NEXT event on God's prophetic calendar....and they are preaching it LOUD in California!

But how many are listening?  How many are falling on their knees in repentance?

Of course I have no idea.  Maybe a huge revival is right around the corner?  Maybe the citizens of CA are going to repent and the governor is going to ask God to be the God of their state?  Maybe God will hear their prayers and heal their land?

Or maybe not....

Just imagine the TRILLIONS of dollars worth of real estate that make up California.  It will be worth $0 if their is no water to flush the toilets.

1 comment:

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