
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Polygamy Law Begins to Come Down

We have said it for some years now....once you throw out ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN as the legal definition of marriage then marriage can become anything that anyone feels like doing.  One man and three women, three men, two women and one man, three women.

Shoot, if you were Bill Gates and could afford 100 wives, I guarantee you that he could find 100 willing women to stand in line for all his riches in exchange for sharing his marriage bed about once every 2-3 years.

And today we find a headline that says that polygamy should not be a criminal activity...and really, if men are BORN WITH THE DESIRE TO HAVE MULTIPLE WIVES then why should anyone stand against those desires?

A federal judge has struck down part of Utah's anti-polygamy law, following a lawsuit brought by the family featured in the reality TV show "Sister Wives."

The ruling effectively decriminalizes polygamy in the state, while maintaining bigamy as an offense.

U.S. District Court Judge Clark Waddoups' ruling follows a similar order that he handed down last year. The final ruling on that case was delayed due to procedural matters.

The ruling strikes down a provision of Utah's anti-bigamy statute, that can be applied when someone "cohabits with another person" to whom they are not legally married. Utah law made such a union a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. 

The judge found that the statute violated the family's freedom of religion.


As our society continues to head into post-Christianity we can expect all morals that come with a Biblical worldview to be thrown out.

Can you imagine what legalized polygamy would do to some of the foundations of our society?  How about Social Security?  How about group insurance through your employer?  How about the already overburdened court system when someone wants out of a polygamous marriage....and they want to take their kids!!

Maybe our society should consider legalizing prostitution instead of polygamy?  That way we could have a legal brothel in every minor town across the country.

  The job creation would be awesome!  Some women (and gay men) could get off of food stamps.  The 18 yr old boys across the country could say to their parents, "Mom, me and my buds are heading down to the whore house for some action!"

 Mom could say, "Jimmy, you better not!  That's not good for you and your girlfriend won't appreciate that!"

  "Awww, come on mom...get with the times.  It's legal and everybody is doing it for their 18th birthday!  My girlfriend will just have to get with the times and realize that men have been doing this since time began, because we are BORN THIS WAY."

Hat tip to James L.

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