
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

China Has Lost 55% of its Rivers

I know it can get tiring....looking at all the gloomy news that has befallen planet earth.  But please remember, Jesus told us to watch for gloomy things like famine, disease, immorality, wars, race riots, violence and injustice.  So the GOOD NEWS is that these things are playing out EXACTLY as our Lord said they would.

Today we find an article that is warning that China is on the precipice of running out of water.  Since they have over 1 billion people that need water every day to survive...this simple fact could be a major cause of unrest and wars in the not distant future.

August 26, 2014
Shanghai, China

A few days ago I had a conversation with the Chief Operating Officer for our agricultural fund in Chile.

We were discussing water, and he told me that roughly 60% of California right now is suffering “extreme drought” conditions. 30% of the state is in “severe drought”. And 10% of the state is only under “drought”.

In other words, roughly the entire state– the 8th largest economy in the world– is facing a severe shortage of water.

But if you think that’s bad, China is about to take over the spotlight yet again.

A study by China’s Ministry of Water Resources found that approximately 55% of China’s 50,000 rivers that existed in the 1990s have disappeared.

Moreover, China is over-exploiting its groundwater by 22 billion cubic meters per year; yet its per-capita water consumption is less than one third of the global average.

This is astounding data.

More than 400 major cities in China are short of water, with some 110 facing “serious scarcity”.

Beijing and other northern cities get most of their water from underground aquifers. Over the last five decades, China has had to drill increasingly deeper to gain access to water.

Since the most efficient way to save water is not to use it, a sensible strategy is to import water-intensive goods and commodities. Corn and wheat are great examples.

China has been acquiring land across Africa and South America; last week when I was in Ethiopia, the place was crawling with Chinese delegates in the ag business.

The goal is to increase China’s food supply, reduce its dependence on the US for grain imports, and reduce its domestic water demand.

China has the economic capacity to do this. Most nations don’t.

Globally, some two billion people face a water deficit, and dozens of countries have to import water.

Throughout history, water has been the most important resource in the world and a major cause for conflict.


Holy drought!!  That last statement sure is true!....water has been and will be a major source of conflict between neighbors and between nations.

People can only go a day or two without water.  Industry and manufacturing use enormous amounts of water.  Our crops require enormous amounts of water to grow food.

It's interesting that Revelation tells us the the Kings of the East will one day march across a DRY EUPHRATES river as they march into one of the battles of Armageddon.

It's also interesting that 55% of the 50,000 rivers that once flowed through China have disappeared!!

It makes one wonder if one of the major causes of the wars of Armageddon is drought and famine.  I'm guessing that if a country has no water they would quickly dispatch their armies to go secure some.  A thinking man is not going to sit by and wait to die because his river went dry.

As one prophecy writer says, "You can almost hear the hoof beats of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse."

Yep...and soon after that you can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah.

Amen!  Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Hat tip to Guy B.

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