
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

S & P Closes Above 2000 For First Time EVER!

Droughts, quakes, fires, riots, ISIS, Hamas, massive government debts, Ponzi schemes, rampant perversion, churches in decline, mosques being built, false teachings in the church, Ebola....what?...who cares??...the stock market continues going up!!  The sky is the limit!!  Let the binge begin!!

Wall Street's record-setting rally continued Tuesday as the S&P 500 notched its 30th record of the year and closed above 2000 for the first time ever. The Dow also rose but fell short of its record closing high after setting an all-time intraday high earlier in the session.

Investors were encouraged Tuesday by the latest big corporate merger and a jump in consumer confidence and durable goods orders.

Shares of Canada's Tim Hortons (THI) jumped 8% after Burger King (BKW) said it will buy the company for about $11 billion and move its headquarters to Canada. Burger King fell 5% after rising 19% on Monday when news of the tax inversion deal was first reported.

In economic news, consumer confidence rose for the fourth straight month as the Conference Board's closely-watched index jumped to a seven-year high in August.

Orders for durable goods soared 22.6% in July on strong demand for commercial aircraft. But the orders excluding transportation fell 0.5%, the Commerce Department reported.


I will readily admit again that I had NO IDEA that our money-printing scheme embarked upon by the Federal Reserve would be able to push the stock markets so high.  I anticipated an "Obama bounce" brought on by the sheer exuberance of Obama voters convinced he was going to fix the world....but when he didn't fix the world, I had no idea the FED would be able to hold interest rates at 0% for so long....thereby forcing people to flee safe havens like banks and insurance companies and shove their money back into risky assets like stocks and junk bonds.

"Fool me once, shame on you!...Fool me twice, shame on me!"

Remember just 10 months ago when the U.S. government was actually talking about shutting down and defaulting on some of their debts?  Well forget about all that panic!  They fixed everything by just borrowing and printing more money!  It worked!!  They are genius!!!

Now we just have to teach Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sudan, India and every other impoverished country to print money...and the whole world can get wealthy!!

Of course I could be wrong...but when this next bubble pops...I believe it could be legendary.

In 1929 the stock indexes fell over 90%!  Wow!!  If that ever happened again, that would certainly trump Miley Cyrus at the VMA's!!

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