
Monday, September 29, 2014

Add Yemen to Global Security Concerns

If you turn on the news and watch the unrest happening all over the can make a person wonder how and when it will all cease.

I have an idea that it most likely will get worse before it gets any better...and I am quite convinced that there will be no true peace until Jesus returns and sets up His 1000 year reign.

Most Americans have no idea where Yemen even is, but there are lots of Muslim terrorists in that country and the US military has already carried out some targeted bombing runs there.

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has said "unprecedented challenges" facing Yemen since Shi'ite Muslim rebels took over the capital could threaten international security, and called for swift action to deal with instability in its southern neighbor.

The world's largest oil exporter, which shares a long border with Yemen, welcomed an agreement signed in Sanaa on Sept. 21 to form a new government incorporating the Houthi rebels and some Yemeni southern separatist forces.

But the kingdom, a key U.S. ally which views itself as protector of Sunni Islam, fears the accord could benefit its main regional foe Iran, which it sees as an ally of the Houthis, and might also bolster the Islamist militant al Qaeda group.

"Yemen faces accelerating and extremely dangerous conditions that require us all to look and propose the necessary solutions to confront these unprecedented challenges," Prince Saud said.

Prince Saud said Yemen's violence "will no doubt extend to threaten stability and security on the regional and international arena that could prove difficult to put down regardless of the resources and efforts that may be exerted."

Saudi Arabia in 2011 played a key role to push forward a Gulf power transfer deal that saw long-serving President Ali Abdullah Saleh step down after months of protests in 2011 in favor of his deputy.

Yemen has since faced multiple challenges, including regular attacks by al Qaeda and its affiliate, Ansar al-Sharia, as well as protests by southern separatists demanding secession from the country.

Saudi Arabia views the Houthis, who hail from the Zaydi branch of Shi'ite Islam, as allies of arch-rival Iran. Iran denies interfering in Yemeni affairs.


Dang it!!  I was just starting to understand Sunni and Shi'ite....and now we have another flavor of Islam called Houthis.  I wonder who they want to kill for disagreeing with their flavor?

Also notice that southern separatists in Yemen are demanding secession from the country.

So we learn that angry, disgruntled Muslims are threatening to rip apart another country in the Arab-Muslim world.

Question;  How many countries do you think can be in chaos with war-refugees spilling over into neighboring countries before it starts to mess with GLOBAL SECURITY...which affects us all?

When we go to the book of Daniel, we read his vision of the statue and that it was standing on feet made of iron and clay.  As he looked he saw a stone coming out of heaven that was sent from God and it smashed those feet...which ended up toppling the entire statue.  We know that iron and clay simply can not bond together for very long....and that all of human history will be wrapped up and done away with forever when Jesus comes and destroys all human governance and sets up his 1000 year reign.

As we watch the nations starting to split and come apart we can't but wonder if this isn't more foreshadowing of how close we are to the nations being destroyed at Jesus' return?

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