
Monday, September 29, 2014

Treasures In Heaven

As Christians here on earth we all know that we are not supposed to let our desires for riches get in our way of our devotion to God....but how hard is that?

We live in America which is arguably the wealthiest nation to have EVER existed on earth.  We are surrounded on all sides by wealth which most of the rest of the world can only dream about.

Of course we are all supposed to work...that isn't even a question....but how does one balance our desires for houses, cars, cabins, boats, jet skis, motorcycles, traveling hockey, $50,000 tuition for our kids college, vacations to Mexico, etc... with "laying up our treasures in heaven"?

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21).

 We hear a lot of talk these days about wars and rumors of war, strong earthquakes everywhere, famine, pestilence, and more. Obviously we are in the last days and the Rapture is on the near horizon. There are many commentaries written about these end days and websites abound on the subject; some people can hardly wait for the Rapture but others give prophecy little attention. Whether you are one eagerly awaiting the Rapture or are not interested in prophecy at all you need to ask yourself where your treasure is.

Believers and non-believers alike have lived on planet Earth for the last six thousand years or so and this has been the only home we’ve known. We work to buy a home, a car, education, etc., but where exactly is our treasure? Good or bad, happy or sad, angry or glad this world is where we have grown and flourished and we are used to the idea of working for our retirement or to put food on the table.

As Christians we need to be sure that our own efforts to gather treasures on earth don’t get in the way of our devotion to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our treasure needs to be in heaven, not on earth. Believers should not look to the earthly treasure of this world for assurance. It is temporary and will one day blow away. Our focus needs to be on heavenly treasures and eternal rewards.

Most people would love to see the end to war, famine, hatred, all forms of evil, and have everything opposed to our well being eliminated from our environment. For Christians, one day that will be reality. All evil, malice, strife, hatred, envy, sickness, sadness, wealth and poverty will be completely forgotten the moment we enter that heavenly realm.

So why do so many Christians hold onto this earthly existence as though heaven doesn’t exist? Could it be that the riches of this life are so controlling that even believers can’t resist their attraction?

“But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition” (1 Timothy 6:9).

Pursuing worldly treasure can become more important to a person than pursuing heavenly treasure, and that is when we need to stop and take a good look at what our motivation in life is. Do we serve God and know that there awaits us many rewards in heaven, or do we serve the god of this world?


We ask the Lord to "give us our daily bread" when we pray The Lord's Prayer and no doubt He has given many of us the ability to go to work and then buy our bread at the grocery yes, ALL of this transaction is still given to us by The Lord....but still I wonder as I look at all the stuff I have accumulated...if I have been obedient with what the Lord has given me?

"To whom much is given much will be expected."

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