
Monday, September 29, 2014

"Workplace Violence"

When a Muslim Major went on an Allah-induced murderous rage at Ft Hood, Texas, screaming, "Allah akbar!"....the government called it "workplace violence."

Last week in Oklahoma a Muslim went on a rage and be-headed one lady and was working on victim #2 when he was shot and stopped short.  Is this also going to be classified as "workplace violence"....or is it going to be called what it is....terrorism at the hands of a Muslim terrorist?

Rick Perry said on Monday that the Obama administration will have to address the beheading of an Oklahoma woman in what the Texas governor noted closely resembles an act of terrorism.

“At some point in time the administration does have to address this as what is appears to many people that it is — and that is an act of violence that is associated with terrorism,” Perry said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.”

On Thursday, Alton Nolen, 30, attacked two women at a Vaughan Foods plant in Moore, Okla. During the attack, one woman was beheaded. Investigations have uncovered that Nolen had recently converted to Islam and had made radical Islamic comments on social media. According to two FBI officials who spoke to the Washington Post said that the incident is being treated as an act of “workplace violence.”

“I think Americans are confused about what this is,” Perry said. “This is a clear case of an individual going in and doing something that does not meet their definition of ‘workplace violence’ so I think any rational thinking American is going to look at this and go, ‘This is more than just normal workplace violence.’”


Are there Muslims all over the world who want nothing to do with killing and murdering in the name of Allah?

Of course.

But many of those Muslims are "Muslim in name only"....just like we have people who call themselves "Christians" but are really "Christians in name only."

The big difference is that TRUE Christians aspire to act more and more like Christ...while TRUE Muslims who really read the Koran, aspire to be more and more like Muhammad.  And as history shows, Muhammad was a murdering, violent it shouldn't surprise us when TRUE Muslims start behaving more and more like Muhammad.

When will our government and media outlets start to understand this?

Don't hold your breath.

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