
Monday, September 29, 2014

There Will Be Famine

Jesus said that as His return approaches that we will see droughts and famine.

As my readers already know, America gets 40% of everything we eat from California, and that state continues to suffer from the worst drought EVER.

So this headline from today's news should really not surprise anyone.

California's crop harvest much smaller than usual

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — With harvest time across California, many of the state's once-robust crops — from the grapes that make world-famous wines to popular almonds — are anticipated to be smaller than usual this year due to the state's historic drought.

The water shortage has also led to shrinking orange and pistachio crops as well, the Sacramento Bee ( reported Sunday. Farmers in rural California are expected to feel the effect as an estimated 420,000 acres of farmland, or about 5 percent of the total, has gone unplanted this year, according to the newspaper.

Also, economists at the University of California, Davis said that agriculture, once a $44 billion annual business in California, will suffer a financial hit of $2.2 billion due to revenue losses and higher water costs.

Another important crop affected by the drought is rice, which is served in restaurants across the country and exported to Asia. About 140,000 acres, roughly one-fourth of California's rice fields went fallow this year, according to the California Rice Commission.

Mike Daddow, a fourth-generation rice grower in southern Sutter County, said he opted to fallow 150 of his family's 800 acres this year and considers himself lucky.

"We'd all rather be farming, as would everybody who depends on us — the truck drivers, the parts stores, the mills," Daddow said.

Mike Wade of the California Farm Water Coalition, a Sacramento-based advocacy group, said another dry year is not going to be good.

"Nobody has any idea how disastrous it's going to be," Wade said. "Is it going to create more fallowed land? Absolutely. Is it going to create more groundwater problems? Absolutely."


I saw at the store last night that Hormel Black Label bacon was selling for $5.50 for 12 ounces...which is the highest price EVER!...but don't fret because the government continues to insist that inflation is non-existent.

So what can we expect will happen to the prices of broccoli, rice and lettuce...most of which we get from California?

And what would happen to the American dream if Americans had to start spending 30% to 50% of their incomes on food?  How much would they have left to spend at the malls?

Friends, please remember, above all else, that while the news seems gloomy for America and much of planet earth, events are NOT spiraling out of control...they are actually falling right into place!

Praise the Lord!

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