
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Could Nazi Germany Happen in America?

Humans always seem so smug when they reflect on things that "could NEVER happen!"...but we all need to remember that all humans are capable of the most heinous actions...we just need the right circumstances to make them play out.

Take away our electricity, take away our running water, place us in fear for our lives and the lives of our kids, take away our money, take away our hope, make us hungry and tired....and I guarantee you that America would elect ANYONE who would have an answer to solve our distress.  Even if they blamed our problems on the Muslims, Jews, Bible-believing Christans, or some other group and started another Holocaust.

Could Nazi Germany Happen Here in America?

The question posed is one I have often asked people, and the answer I have always received is a resounding, "NO!"

The reasons given usually include such things as:
America's strong Christian heritage.
Our nation's commitment to freedom and liberty — both in our constitution and in practice for over two centuries.
The high level of education and civilized culture that characterizes our nation.
Those are good reasons, and on the surface, they seem invincible. But they are not.

We need to remind ourselves that pre-Nazi Germany had a strong Christian heritage. It was, in fact, the heartland of the Reformation Movement.

Germany also contained a highly educated and erudite population, and was a land of literary giants and scientific geniuses. In fact, Germany was one of the most advanced civilizations on earth.

And Germany also had a democratic government. In fact, Hitler was elected to power.

So, what happened? The nation's economy was destroyed by World War I and the draconian reparations Germany was required to pay after the war. Racked by a runaway inflation and widespread joblessness, the German economy created the kind of despair that will motivate people to seek desperate solutions.

Our nation is a sitting duck for the same type of peaceful transition to the form of totalitarian dictatorship that Hitler instituted.

Just think about it for a moment.

In the 1960s we began to jettison our Christian heritage. It happened quickly and decisively, and it continues to accelerate to this day. The culture war has been won by the secularists and pagans, and we can no longer claim to be a "Christian nation." Without the inhibitions of Christian morality, the demons have been let loose. And so, on a daily basis, we witness senseless killings and gross immorality.

Churches have gotten in bed with the world, endorsing such biblical abominations as homosexuality and same-sex marriage. And they have surrendered to the demands of "tolerance" by embracing such heresies as "many roads to God." Polls show that the number of Bible-believing Christians in America is no greater than 9%. The Church has ceased to be a restrainer of evil.

Our level of education is certainly very high, but we have kicked God out of our educational institutions from the pre-school to the graduate level. The result is a pagan education that teaches our children that there is no God and that they are simply the accidents of evolution. In short, they are being taught that they are nothing more than a higher species of animal, and they are acting like it.

Our culture is becoming increasingly depraved. Immorality is being encouraged by our governments, and it is being celebrated in our movies and television programs. Hedonism and materialism are the driving forces in our culture. The dollar has become our god.

Our democratic heritage is also being rapidly undermined by the centralization of power in the national government and its ever-increasing welfare programs. More and more people are becoming wards of the state, and when it comes to voting, their only concern is which candidate will promise to give them the most "free stuff."

Our governmental leaders, particularly at the national level, have become so corrupt that we can no longer believe anything they have to say.

Our nation is becoming increasingly polarized. The two coasts are battling the center of the country. The young are fed up with having to support our exploding class of senior citizens. Blacks and Hispanics are at each other's throats. Pagans continue to try to silence Christians.

The Needed Spark

All that is needed is a spark to set off a new civil war that will lead to the suspension of civil liberties and the institution of martial law.

I believe that spark will most likely be an overwhelming economic collapse — one far more severe than the one we experienced in 2008. I believe that because, as I said before, the dollar has become our god, and the true God of this universe is a jealous God who delights in destroying false gods.

That economic collapse will most likely be triggered by a major terrorist attack, possibly involving nuclear weapons. Just imagine the national chaos that would occur if a nuclear device were to be detonated by a suicide crew on a merchant ship in New York harbor. It could easily happen.

The Bible makes it clear that God never pours out His wrath on a nation without warning. He will send both remedial judgments and prophetic voices to call the nation to repentance before He will deliver it to destruction.

God is doing that in America today. He responded to our Sexual Revolution in the 1960s with the Vietnam War that ended up plaguing the soul of our nation. He has sent natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, man-made disasters like the 9/11 attacks, and economic calamities like the stock market crash of 2008.


Wow!  Did you catch that??  While many churches have embraced homosexuality and rejected the exclusive message of Jesus Christ...meaning that the Church of America is no longer able to restrain evil.  So is it any wonder that the news if filled with unspeakable stories right here in America?  Less than 9% of us even believe the Bible!

Certainly with these dismal numbers we won't be able to restrain evil much longer...unless we have a revival.

Again, I hope America keeps supporting Israel and that we can all live our comfortable lives until Jesus comes for us in the rapture....but there is certainly no promise that we might not be forced to lay in the bed we made for ourselves.

What we ARE promised is that we will NOT experience the wrath or condemnation of God as will be poured out in full measure during the Great Tribulation.

Jesus paid our price and took the wrath that we deserved.  Thank you Jesus!

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