
Friday, September 5, 2014

John Kerry Says Bible Commands Us to Stop Global Warming

How sad!  Our nation's leaders are now using the Bible to say that man needs to stop global warming.  Even worse, Kerry says that Muslim nations are the most susceptible to global warming so we really need to help them by stopping it.

Just when you thought that John Kerry and the liberals couldn't get any weirder and stupider or any more buffoonish, they step it up to yet another level. In this video, watch as John Kerry says that the book of Genesis gives America the command to save Muslim majority countries from global warming.

See video here;

Friends, we know that Peter tells us that one day the entire world will be burned up, purified with fire, and that God will start over with a new creation...but we will live FOREVER!  So what kind of lives ought we lead?

We ought to be concerned with the mission that Jesus gave us!  Go and make disciples!

The Gospel message  is so at odds with what most liberals believe that we can expect to be ridiculed, scoffed at and hated as the liberals continue to take over our nation.

Yesterday I read that only 9% of American adults believe that the Bible (as it was written) is the true Word of God.  So certainly we have already slid a long way down the slippery slope.

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