
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ebola's Warning for an Unprepared America

There will be pestilence in the very Last Days...before the Lord returns.  Jesus said so.

Ebola is a doozie when it comes to pestilence.  Within days of catching it, your insides start to liquefy and run out of your eyes, ears and other orifices....and then you die.

According to one German virologist, the world has already lost Liberia and Sierra Leone to Ebola...and now all we can do is try to keep it contained in those god-forsaken nations.

A prominent doctor from the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany, says the window has officially closed on containing the Ebola outbreak, apart from massive international assistance. Sierra Leone and Liberia, the two hardest-hit countries, have likely already been lost to the disease, claims Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit and other nearby countries could be next if appropriate aid isn't delivered immediately.


And now I just opened the Wall Street Journal for today and I see this big headline;

Ebola's Warning for an Unprepared America

The world is finally mobilizing to wage a muscular fight against Ebola's catastrophic spread through West Africa. President Obama has put the Pentagon in charge of a robust, 3,000-person U.S. relief effort in the stricken areas. This is a positive step, but the world is still dangerously ill-prepared for the fight against pandemic outbreaks.

In the case of Ebola, we were late to the battle and are now focused too narrowly on places like Liberia while failing to see West Africa as one big outbreak. We also remain too dependent on outdated tools and strategies in fighting the virus, and are tethered to an effort not yet scaled to the challenge.

While Ebola may still be contained, other potentially calamitous threats are out there. MERS, SARS, avian flu and other illnesses could re-emerge at any time. In the American Midwest, for instance, a novel virus classified as Enterovirus 68 has recently sent some 300 children to the hospital in respiratory distress, with no available antiviral therapy or vaccine. We need to rethink our preparedness and adopt a more modern approach for dealing with these and other looming outbreaks.

Ebola shows the danger of diseases developing and spreading around the world from a key convergence point. As Richard Preston wrote in his 1994 nonfiction best-seller "The Hot Zone," when a novel virus emerges, the warning sign may be a series of small outbreaks at different times and places. These "microbreaks" can eventually re-emerge like Ebola has and become a pandemic. How many Ebola microbreaks were missed or not taken seriously? And how many other lethal pathogens—from MERS to SARS to Enterovirus 68—are we too casual about today?

The Department of Homeland Security's inspector general just issued a highly critical report finding that DHS lacks sufficient supplies and preparedness to handle a domestic pandemic. Thirteen years ago, soon after the 9/11 attacks, letters laced with anthrax killed five Americans. Just as 9/11 revealed the country's vulnerabilities to terror attacks, the anthrax episode exposed the need for better routine surveillance and strategic stockpiling of key countermeasures against viral outbreaks or bioterror attacks. We're still far less prepared than we should be, and far more vulnerable than we're admitting.


"Dennis....Please don't bother us with all this doom and gloom news!  Can't you see we are enjoying the stock market highs?  Can't you see we are busy discussing the NFL and what they are going to do with Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson?  Can't you understand that DWTS (Dancing with the stars) is broadcasting a new season and Lolo Jones just got cut?"

While they are saying 'peace and safety' then destruction will come upon them suddenly.

Now just imagine if Ebola mutates and can be spread by a sneeze??  Imagine THOUSANDS of Americans, most of them school children, dying every day from an Ebola outbreak in America. Imagine teachers refusing to show up to school...imagine parents refusing to send them...imagine the Malls of America empty....imagine people making quick dashes into the grocery store covered in masks so they can grab some food and get home...

Just imagine what that would do to the stock market, the NFL, our economy?  Life as we know it would come to a sudden, grinding halt.  The economy would collapse and our god of Mammon would suffer a terrible blow.

"But Dennis...come on now....that could never happen!!  This is America!!  We are the greatest nation the earth has ever seen!!  Nothing catastrophic could EVER happen like that!!"

Please remember that God is NO respecter of nations.  He sets them up and tears them down according to His will.

The warning signs that the end of the age is upon is are screaming to everyone to REPENT AND ACCEPT CHRIST BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!

Sadly, only a few will.  For most of earth's inhabitants Christ WILL come like a thief.

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