
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

House Votes to Audit Federal Reserve

I have no idea if an audit of the Fed will end up happening....but are you really sure we WANT TO SEE what is happening inside the Federal Reserve?

What if we find out there is nothing there?  What if the Great and Powerful FED is revealed to be exactly like the Great and Powerful OZ in the Wizard of Oz movie?....just some guy(s) behind a curtain pulling levers and pretending they have immense power?

Do you think it could cause the POWERS THAT BE to collapse....and maybe make a way for a new monetary power?

The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly to require a full audit of the Federal Reserve, an action more and more members support in light of the Fed’s increasing importance and role in the U.S. economy.

Republican leaders called up the Federal Reserve Transparency Act on Tuesday, and approved it in a 333-92 vote Wednesday afternoon — all but one of the “no” votes came from Democrats. The bill calls for a full audit of the Fed, including its private discussions related to monetary policy, by the Government Accountability Office.


How comical....333 Republicans vote YES and all the NO votes were Democrats,  Clearly the Democrats are terrified that some other catastrophe will surface that will cause even more problems for Team Obama.

"Do NOT look behind that curtain Toto!!  Don't do it!!  Why?...because I said so, that's why!!"

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