
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Polygamy Talk Makes "The View"

Julie Chen is one of the ladies on the popular talk show, "The View".  Recently she revealed that her grandfather was a polygamist married to nine wives and countless mistresses.

The Talk host Julie Chen has revealed that her maternal grandfather was a polygamist with nine wives.
Making the revelation on the show's Secret Week, the 44-year-old anchor-woman explained that the knowledge has 'haunted her for many years.' 

She said on Tuesday that her grandfather: 'had nine wives, six of who bore him children. He had 11 children that we know of, countless mistresses.'

Julie prefaced her story by explaining: ‘The reason we all have family secrets - and the reason we try to keep it a secret - is because it's often something that brings shame to the family. 

'And my situation is no different.

‘My mom tried to keep this secret from me and my two sisters for a long time, for as long as she could.'

‘As you can imagine this was extremely hard on my grandmother. She was his first wife,’ Julie said. 
‘They were in a pre-arranged marriage. This was not the man she chose to marry…. but you grow to love this man. 

‘Then you see wife number two come through the door. Number three…number four… the last wife was younger than my uncle, the first-born son.

‘My grandmother thought of leaving. “It’s gotta end, it’s gotta end, it’s gotta end.” “Yes it’s gonna end. This is the last wife, I promise you.” It never was the last wife, right?

And Julie’s grandfather wasn’t the only polygamist in the family – her uncle had 20 children with four wives. 

‘And had he not died in a freak car accident when he was 42, he probably would have had more wives and more than 20 children,’ she said.


I didn't see the show but I'm guessing all the women in the audience BOOED when she spoke of her nasty, philandering, grandfather....thinking in their female brains..."What kind of a man marries nine women?  Only a loser!"

In reality those women should understand that most men are BORN with the desire to have wives and mistresses.

So on the one hand all these women on The View support GAY behavior because they say they are born with that desire....but they don't support men who are polygamists even though those men are born with that desire.

Hmmm...sounds to me like the women on The View are POLYPHOBIC HATERS!!

Polygamy is coming.  There can be no stopping it now.  Once the definition of marriage ceases to be one man and one women....there are no ends to what could be called man and nine women SHOULD be legal as long as all are willing parties and consenting adults.

Of course God would say otherwise....but this nation is running away from God at light speed.

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