
Friday, September 19, 2014

Muslim Sex Abuse

Here is a promise....if a bunch of Christians or Catholics were grabbing thousands of poor children off the street and then passing them around as sex slaves to satisfy their depraved and perverse minds then THE MEDIA WOULD BE ALL OVER IT!!

But how about when a bunch of depraved Muslims do it?  Yeah....the media doesn't want to offend the "religion of peace' they just look the other way.

Imagine a sex scandal centered on a small area, involving decades of abuse, with hundreds of children raped, assaulted and prostituted. Authorities suspected or knew of the crimes but did nothing, preferring to protect the abusers than aid their victims or see justice done. 

If that city were in, say, Ireland, and the abusers Catholic priests, the U.S. networks would report it immediately and continuously. And rightly so. But move that city to northern England, and make the perpetrators Muslim men? Don’t look to ABC, NBC or CBS for details. 

In Rotherham, England, the widespread, systematic sexual abuse of young girls has finally been brought to light. A report published Aug.21, by Professor Alexis Jay, a former Chief Inspector of Social Work in Scotland, found that between 1997 and 2013, more than 1400 young English girls were raped, threatened, and tortured by men in a sex trafficking scandal which is making waves online and in British media but hasn’t made a blip on American news shows.

The report shows that Rotherham officials and Council members knew about the abuse for years but did nothing. You see, all but one of these men were Pakistani and Muslim; the girls were white, and Britain is even more paralyzed by political correctness and fear of charges of “Islamo-phobia” than is the U.S. One Rotherham official even admitted he didn’t want to “rock the multicultural boat.” As reward for bringing to light such a heinous scandal, a researcher involved in the case was intimidated, harassed and punished for reporting her findings to the local Council.

U.S. networks face no such consequences. Yet in the two weeks since the story broke in the British media, ABC, NBC and CBS haven’t uttered a word about it on their morning or evening broadcasts.

Could silence be because the networks, like the powers that be in Rotherham, don’t want to touch a story in which the villains are Pakistani and Muslim? Would that be too politically incorrect?



Recent reports show that Americans trust of network news is down to an all-time low.  Maybe this is a good thing because more and more Americans will look for their REAL news someplace else.

But then again, maybe this is a bad thing because so many Americans no longer have ANY Biblical are prone to believe anything they see in an email or on the Internet.

Political correctness will be the end of us.  We will bankrupt ourselves trying to find terrorists by searching old, white women at the airport....and we will let our enemies, who claim Allah as god, walk right into our nation and openly declare they seek it's destruction, yet the news won't tell us because they are scared of offending those same Muslims.

Hat tip to Julie E.

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