
Friday, September 19, 2014

Spider Goat and Glow Pig

God is the Creator of all life.  I am 100% certain that God would not be in favor of cutting up little babies as they are growing in their mother's womb and then throwing the "tissue" out with the garbage.

I also am 100% certain that God does not want us crossing one kind of animal with another kind of animal.

Check out these goats crossed with that the farmers can get silk from the goats milk.

The animals look and act just like regular goats: Workers milk them like they would at any dairy, and the goats raid their handlers’ pockets for stuff to chew on—a risk you face around any kid, doe, or billy goat. But scientists have added an extra protein or two to their already nutrient-rich milk.

One of those proteins is from the golden orb-weaver spider. Its silk, tougher than Kevlar, is a hundred times stronger than human ligaments. The potential for a light, incredibly resilient fiber is immense: The future might hold anything from spider knee replacements to spider parachutes. But aside from being viscerally disgusting, a spider farm just won’t work. Golden orb weavers are cannibalistic. In 2000, Nexia Biotechnology figured out a solution to that problem that reads like science fiction—it bred goats that can produce the silk instead.


And then check out these pigs that are crossed with jelly fish so that they glow under a black light.


So how about if we crossed a man with a lion so that he became an incredible, fearless, killing machine that the army could deploy?

How about if we cross a woman's egg with "alien" seed and see if we could make a super-human race....then maybe men could be like gods!

Genesis 6
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God (fallen angels-demons) went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. (giants with strange, corrupt flesh)

These Nephilim were on the earth before the flood of Noah and also after the flood....and Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." could Satan be planning another mess of corrupted flesh that he plans to release on humans before Christ returns?

I have an idea that what is coming for the people of earth who are left behind after the going to be so deceptive, terrifying and deadly, that if Jesus didn't cut those days flesh would survive.

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