
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A "Radicalized Man"

Yesterday we posted on the two Canadian soldiers who were run over by an angry Muslim, hell-bent on jihad and taking out vengeance on anyone in the armed forces.  You see, Canada is preparing to get in the fight against ISIS.

Last night I turned on the uber-liberal BBC News to hear if they had anything to report.  I kid you not, this is what I heard;

Reporter;  So what may have radicalized this man to get him to do such a thing?

Expert:  We can't really say for sure.  Maybe he was crazy?  Maybe he knew the soldiers and had an argument with them?  Maybe he was drug induced...I mean look....over the decades lots of people have been radicalized for lots of different reasons.  Back in the 1930's my own uncle got on the communist band wagon and actually traveled to Spain to fight the

Reporter;  Ok, thanks for your insight...that's all the time we have.


What in the world can possess these liberals to be so unwilling to say the word ISLAM??
How can they be so blind?

Could it be possible they are already suffering from the GREAT DELUSION that God will send to all the people on earth who have refused the Gospel?

2 Thessalonians 2
10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

So then I went online and started hunting for some updates from the newspapers and I run across the LA Times...also known to be an uber-liberal rag.

Canadian soldiers were run down by 'radicalized' man, officials say

The man suspected of crashing his car into two Canadian soldiers, killing one and injuring the other, was being actively investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and had had his passport taken away, officials said Tuesday.

National police in Quebec identified the suspect, who died in a confrontation with police shortly after, as 25-year-old Martin Couture-Rouleau.

The crash, which occurred Monday morning, was a "deliberate act," according to police officials there, and speculation continued to swirl that the incident might have been a terrorist act.

Sgt. Luc Thibault, a spokesman for the RCMP, said Couture-Rouleau was arrested in July at the airport in Montreal as he attempted to leave the country for Turkey.

Investigators believed his attempted travel might be linked to terrorism but didn't have enough evidence to hold him, Thibault said. He was released shortly after, but officials still had possession of his passport and was in touch with him and his family.

Paulson said officials don't believe he was working with other people, but they remained "open" and "concerned" about the possibility.

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney told reporters at a news conference Tuesday that the incident was “clearly linked to terrorist ideology" and called it a "terrible act of violence against our country, our military and against our values."

Police investigators in Quebec said they had not determined a motive for the attack.

In a statement released Tuesday, National Defense Minister Rob Nicholson expressed "tremendous sorrow" over the attack.

"We are aware that the suspect was known to police and federal authorities, although the circumstances remain under investigation," Nicholson said. "Our ... members represent the best of Canada, and to have one die in a senseless act such as this only strengthens our resolve."


I scanned the article twice and I can't find the word MUSLIM or ISLAM anyplace!

So the poor saps reading the news in LA are left to wonder....was he a Lutheran radical who was mad there was no jello at the potluck?  Was he a Buddhist radical upset that the Buddha statue in Canada wasn't made fat enough?  Was he a Hindu Yogi that got radical when the YMCA cancelled his yoga class?

Nope!  He was a MUSLIM RADICAL that had recently converted to Islam and the evidence was all over the place!!

How many radical things will Muslim have to do in the name of Allah for the blind to open their eyes and realize that millions of Muslims have declared war on The West??

Remember Major Muslim at Ft Hood Texas who went in and started screaming "Allah Akbar!" as he gunned down dozens of soldiers a few years ago??  Yep....not enough evidence that he was a Team Obama labeled it "workplace violence".

Friends, if dozens of Muslim terror organizations have openly declared war on The West...and The West can't even say the word ISLAM and describe what force is driving them....Lord help us all.

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