
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Michelle Bachmann Receives ISIS Threat

I guess ISIS doesn't like Congresswoman Bachmann...because they have issued some type of threat to kill her or maybe even encouraged some "lone wolf" Muslims who support ISIS to kill her.

Either way, the threat is being taken seriously and she has now been assigned 24 hour police protection.

Federal law enforcement officials are taking an ISIL threat against Michele Bachmann so seriously that Capitol Police have given the Minnesota Republican her own security detail.

An online threat against Bachmann emerged recently, according to multiple law enforcement officials familiar with the situation. Last week, Bachmann was provided a security detail in response, according to the sources.

Members of the U.S. Capitol Police’s Dignitary Protection Division were briefed on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The police security will continue until Bachmann, who will retire at the end of this Congress, is no longer in office.

A police detail of this type typically means 24-hour protection when a member of Congress is on Capitol Hill or back in the home district.

Officials declined to outline the specific nature of the threat.

Bachmann’s office referred news media inquiries to Capitol Police. A Capitol Police spokeswoman declined to comment.

Bachmann has been publicly critical of not only ISIL, but also Islam, calling on President Barack Obama to declare war on the religion during a speech at the conservative Value Voters Summit at the end of September.

“It’s because we have jihadists who subscribe to a radical ideology that believes dying in the name of Islam gets them to heaven,” Bachmann said. “And what we need to do is to defeat this Islamic jihad. Sadly, President Obama has the wrong prescription. He even fails to acknowledge their motivations for bringing about jihad. Yes, Mr. President, it is about Islam.”

Further, she said, “And I believe if you have an evil of an order of this magnitude, you take it seriously,” Bachmann said. “You declare war on it, you don’t dance around it. Just like the Islamic State has declared war on the United States of America.”

“We need to ‘get a brain in the United States and wake up,’” Bachmann told Newsmax of the policy of requiring U.S. citizens only to be put on a watch list and undergo additional screening. “Because the Islamic State has been very clear about their intention. That’s why they call themselves the Islamic State. They see that the global caliphate literally goes around the world, including the United States.”


Ummm....not sure Bachmann has been "critical of Islam."  She is talking about "radical ideology" and asking the President to acknowledge what these radicals all have in common.

"For $25 and a Free round of golf, Mr. Obama, can you name what is the common factor that all the terrorist suicide bombers and beheaders have in common?
Is it:
A)  They all like pizza
B)  They are all black
C)  They are all gay looking
D)  They all claim allegiance to Islam
E)  None of the above"

Have you noticed how the White House and now the mainstream media will report a "terrorist" attack and try their absolute hardest to NOT say the word Muslim, Jihad or Islamic?

We can be in prayer for Mrs. Bachmann.  She clearly speaks the truth about Jesus, Israel, Satan, jihad and radical Islam.  Because of this the world HATES HER.

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