
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Canadian Soldier Killed by Homegrown Muslim

We have asked in the past what it would take to shut down and terrify Americans?  How about if some "lone-wolf" Muslims went on a killing spree in numerous malls across America and posted their murderous success to social media?

Today we find that a Muslim born and raised in Canada, went out and killed a Canadian the name of Allah.

One of two Canadian soldiers run over by an Islamist extremist has died from his wounds Tuesday morning, according to NBC news.

Late Monday night, Canadian police shot dead the attacker - a "homegrown" jihadist fanatic - after the 25 year-old man attacked soldiers without warning in a parking lot in his hometown.

Martin Couture-Rouleau, a resident of the town of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 40 km (24 miles) from Montreal, attempted to run over two soldiers late Monday night.

Rouleau had allegedly called the police in the middle of the attack, according to the Le Paris newspaper, claiming it had been "in the name of Allah." 

A 4-km (2.4 mile) car chase ensued, ending when the assailant's car turned over into a ditch. Police were forced to shoot him dead after he ran at them with a knife. 

While Quebec police did not say whether the soldiers were in uniform, it has been confirmed that one was critically injured. The murdered soldier's name has not been released at the request of his family.

“The individual who struck the two [Canadian armed forces] members with his car is known to federal authorities, including the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team,” said a statement from the Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper’s office.

“Federal authorities have confirmed that there are clear indications that the individual had become radicalized.”

Neighbors told Reuters on condition of anonymity that Rouleau had converted to Islam last year, and had been gravitating toward Islamism ever since.

His Facebook page is a photo of the flag of the Islamic State (ISIS) with the caption: "there will be no surrender. Victory or martyrdom in the path of Allah." He ranted against local Muslim groups, claimed that Al Qaeda is not responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks, and called to stop US aid to Israel, as well. 


Last week American Armed forces issues a warning to all military personnel and their families to be alert for Muslims who may be wanting to kill them and their families.  It seems ISIS has called on all "lone-wolf" Muslims in America to use Facebook and social media to find where U.S soldiers live and then go butcher their families.

Ummmm.....let's see....Muslim "lone wolves" don't wear how would I "be alert" to any lone-wolves meaning me or my family harm?  It may require me to "profile" people and look for women with their heads covered approaching my house?...or brownish men with Middle Eastern looks coming to my house?

"But Dennis, you can't do that!  That would be unfair to brownish- colored men from the Middle East!!  You need to check ALL PEOPLE coming to your home and realize they could all be Muslim terrorists....even the 9 yr old white boy with a Boy Scout uniform!  Have you not seen how our Federal Government has ordered the screening of ALL PEOPLE at the airports?"

Friends, Islam is a religion of lies made up by the "Father of all lies", Satan himself.  The Muslims may have been rather powerless and dormant in acting against The West for the past centuries....but they now seem to have awakened and feel that they want Islam to rule the world.

So convert, flee or die...those are your choices...according to the Islamists.

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