
Monday, October 27, 2014

Another Day, Another School Shooting

This time the school shooting was in Washington state.  It seems that a popular kid who played football and was the homecoming prince of his 9th grade class, decided that he had had enough of some of his friends.  So he brought a pistol to school and shot them in the head while they sat at lunch.  Once he had done that, he then shot himself.

So far two of them have died...and the shooter would be the third.

MARYSVILLE, Wash. (AP) — A 14-year-old girl died two days after a student opened fire inside a Washington state high school, raising the death toll in the shooting to three, including the gunman who killed himself as a teacher tried to stop him.

Authorities scheduled a Monday afternoon news briefing, while the community wondered why a popular homecoming prince would open fire Friday in Marysville-Pilchuck High School cafeteria.

"We can't answer that question," said Matt Remle, a tribal guidance counselor who has an office at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, which is 30 miles north of Seattle. "But we try to make sense of the senselessness."

Three other students remain hospitalized, two in critical condition and one in satisfactory condition.

On Sunday, parents and students gathered in a gymnasium at the school for a community meeting, with speakers urging support and prayers and tribal members playing drums and singing songs. Fryberg was from a prominent family from the Tulalip Indian tribes.

"We just have to reach for that human spirit right now," said Deborah Parker, a tribal member.

Young people hugged each other and cried as speakers urged people to come together.

"Our legs are still wobbly," said Tony Hatch, a cousin of one of the injured students.


We can pretty much count on the anti-gun liberals to point another finger and say, "See!  Guns are bad!!"

What's funny is that the same liberals point to Islam and say, "Don't let a few crazies in ISIS make you say "Islam is bad"....but yet they don't understand that a few crazies with guns don't make guns bad.

Yep!  In their numb minds they have convinced themselves that taking guns away from Americans will somehow solve this nation's problem of teens killing each other.

The problem of school shootings is a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM.  We let our young boys play demonic video games from the time they can walk, we turn them over to the demons of porn when they are old enough to open a laptop,  and we teach them in public schools that, "There is no are a product of evolution"....then we stand back in awe and say, "What could have possessed this popular kid to shoot his friends"?

Sadly, stories of school shootings, rapes, incest, teachers having sex with students, venereal disease running rampant, perversion, drug use....all these events are only going to increase as we kick God out of our schools and out of our nation.

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