
Monday, October 27, 2014

Has Judgment Already Started for America?

As Christ followers, we are guaranteed that we will not suffer the WRATH of God that will be poured out on planet earth.  This is one, of many, VERY good reasons to believe what the Bible says about a PRE-TRIBULATION Rapture of the bride of Christ.

Romans 5:9
Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!

But as you look around America and continue to read the headlines, it's becoming harder and harder NOT to wonder if God's protective hand isn't being withdrawn from our nation.

If you fell asleep like a Rip Van Winkle for 30 years and awoke today, imagine how shocked you would be at what happened to America.

1. Divorce: Increased from 4% to 51% in one generation.

2. Cohabitation: 65% of "altar-bound" singles live together, a euphemism for lifestyle fornication.

3. Abortion: 57 million unborn babies aborted, some with taxpayer funding and now part of socialized medicine.

4. Marijuana: Being legalized in several states.

5. Euthanasia and Infanticide: Being legalized under camouflage names.

6. Pornography: Rampant, graphic, just a "click away" on hand-held devices.

7. Homosexuality, lesbian and transgender lifestyles: Promoted even by our president along with gay marriage and homosexual ordinations.

8. Movies and music: Standards almost nonexistent with graphic nudity, profanity and blasphemy commonplace.

9. Out-of-wedlock births: 1st time in U.S history – more than 50%.

10. Sexually transmitted diseases: Over 110 million in our population infected.

11. Economic insanity: $18 trillion national debt; millions unemployed deriving benefits; $60 billion in annual Medicare fraud and waste.

12. Illegal immigration: Over 11 million and politicians pushing open borders and amnesty.

13. Political leaders: Corruption, incompetence and deception at all levels.

14. Radical Islam and terrorism: Exploding in regions of the world with an increasingly vulnerable America dismantling militarily and docile politicians calling it a "peaceful religion."

15. Should we add illiteracy... crime... catastrophic fatherlessness... human trafficking... adultery... profane ignorant and low information populace? How about the ongoing erosion of our religious freedoms and secularism taking over society? And last but not least, how about a Laodicean, apostate church compromising and lacking the courage to address the defining issues of our day with clarity and conviction while defining success in terms of happy sermons, attendance, offerings, number of staff, programs and square footage?

Do we see the "handwriting on the wall" that we are at an unprecedented tipping point? Are we aware that America is rapidly spiraling into a lawless culture similar to Germany of a generation ago?


Now HERE is where the article gets convicting.  How many of us have made similar excuses?

• "I don't like what's happening in America on so many issues, but it's not really affecting me or my family."

• "I prefer they not schedule soccer games on Sunday morning but I guess we can live with it. As a family we try to make it to church at least twice a month unless we need to catch up on our rest."

• "I wish our pastor would address these critical issues but his role model is Joel Osteen so he avoids controversy."

• "I grew up with Sunday school, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services but times have changed and I guess we can get by with a brief Sunday service."

• "Our worship leader is gay, I think, and the primary singer is living with her boyfriend but it's probably best not to stir up problems."

• "I wish our church gave out voter guides so we knew where candidates stand but since we're in a building program, leadership said they don't want to jeopardize fundraising."

"Our pastors tell us they don't put out any lawn signs for candidates or  speak about anything political because of separation of church and state."

"We got the evite for the citywide gathering to pray for transformation in our city but it's the same night of Dancing With the Stars finale and we just can't miss it."

Friends, I know I can sound like a broken record, but this country is standing on the edge of the abyss but we are too apathetic and complacent to even see it!  The Churches of America are supposed to be the purveyors of SALT AND LIGHT...but instead they have desired to be so LOVED by the world that they have lost the Gospel message in the process.

We have lost sight of our ONLY MISSION while here on earth....which is to be ambassadors of the Kingdom of Light, making disciples while the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and we wait for the Master to return.

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked" (Rev. 3:15-17)

Lord forgive us, we know not what we do.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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