
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Obama Damages U.S. Credibility

Do you remember when Obama drew a red line in the sand and told Syria not to cross it?

That red line was a warning from Obama that they better not use chemical weapons on their enemies or there would be hell to pay...and Obama was going to make sure of it.

Well, it turns out Syria DID use chemical weapons and Obama backed away from that red line.  He refused to follow through on his threat.

Many of us saw that and KNEW it would make us appear weak to the despots and Muslims of the world which serves to empower them.

Today we find Leon Panetta agreeing with us.

President Barack Obama damaged U.S. credibility by drawing a “red line” against Syria’s use of chemical weapons and then failing to back up the warning with military force, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Yahoo News in an interview.

“It was damaging,” Panetta, who also served Obama as CIA director, told Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric.

In the wide-ranging interview, Panetta also defended the CIA’s use of a vaccination campaign as cover for intelligence gathering on Osama bin Laden; said future presidents may again have to use interrogation techniques widely branded as torture; struggled to explain how the Islamic State’s top leader managed to go from a U.S.-run prison in Iraq to commanding that fearsome jihadi army; and grappled with what-if questions about what he candidly called the “chaos” in Syria.

Panetta said drawing the red line, threatening Syrian strongman Bashar Assad with military strikes if he unleashed chemical weapons on his people, was “the right thing to do.”

But once Obama did that, “then I think the credibility of the United States is on the line,” he said. Once the United States had proof that Assad used chemical weapons, killing 1,400 people, “then it was important for us to stand by our word and go in and do what a commander in chief should do.”

Obama shocked the world by asking Congress to vote to give him the authority to carry out airstrikes against Assad, a step lawmakers predictably refused to take.

The president then pulled back, which “sent a mixed message, not only to Assad, not only to the Syrians, but [also] to the world.,” Panetta said. “And that is something you do not want to establish in the world, an issue with regard to the credibility of the United States to stand by what we say we're gonna do.”


As prophecy watchers we know that America needs to exit the world stage in some way.


Because one day Israel will be all alone with no other nation willing to come to her aid...and as they look down the barrel of destruction they will call out to Almighty God to save them and He will save the remnant of Israel.

So will America collapse in a day....or will it be a more gradual fall from world power?

No one knows.

What we do know is that America is getting weaker.  Weaker in our financial ability and weaker in our willingness to use our military to enforce our policies.

Many would like to believe the liberal lie that if we don't go to war then there will be no more war.

Just think of the liberals standing in the streets chanting, "No more war!! No more war!!"

Well that's all good and fine, but they really should all hop on plane and fly to Syria and Iraq where Islamic State has set up camp and declared war on the USA and start chanting to them, "No more war!!  No more war!!"

Of course ISIS would promptly shoot and/or behead all the men and then rape all the women before they killed them or sold them into sex-slavery to some other Muslim militia.

We watch the news and we watch where Obama has been leading us and we wonder if God maybe didn't give us the leader that we deserve?  A godless leader for a godless people.

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