
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Prepare Now For Ebola Pandemic

Please remember that many of my headlines are not my personal beliefs but are just the headlines that are making their way into the news cycle in some way shape or form.

From what the CDC is telling us about Ebola, it should be VERY easy to stop the spread of it in America.  We have the hazmat suits and the hospitals to deal with a small outbreak and get it over with in a very short period of time.  Remember, they are telling us that the only way it is spread is by contact with vomit, diarrhea or blood.  For now they aren't saying you can catch it from a sneeze...but saliva certainly is a body not sure what's up with that.

Today a reader sent me this article.

Are you ready for the possibility of an Ebola pandemic that will interrupt the day-to-day life of most Americans?

Because now, the CDC has issued a checklist and said that “Now is the time to prepare.”

You can read the entire document HERE. As well, the state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits.

The checklist is a directory for hospitals and medical personnel.

“Every hospital should ensure that it can detect a patient with Ebola, protect healthcare workers so they can safely care for the patient, and respond in a coordinated fashion…

While we are not aware of any domestic Ebola Virus Disease cases (other than two American citizens who were medically evacuated to the United States), now is the time to prepare, as it is possible that individuals with EVD in West Africa may travel to the United States, exhibit signs and symptoms of EVD, and present to facilities.”

The CDC’s Ebola virus page is HERE.

The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.

The state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits. If the government is getting ready for an outbreak, shouldn’t you get ready too?

Here is the article with the live links if you want to check them out;

As we all know the Last Days will have pestilence.  Jesus said so.

Does Ebola count?

Here is one thing we do know....if Ebola begins to be spread by sneezing, like the common cold, America will go into panic mode pretty darn fast.  Our malls would be vacant, our schools would be vacant and people would REALLY be in a panic if some dozens begin dying from the disease.

Now please remember that over 50,000 Americans die on our highways every year...and still we all run around daily in our cars seemingly unfazed by the mayhem...but you watch and see the breathless panic that may result if 10-20 or 30 people start dying in a state near you.

Also please keep in mind that Jesus said we are not supposed to be living in fear.  He has overcome this world and He promised that we would too.

Hat tip to Becky M.

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