
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Black Man Tells the Truth About Ferguson

The American black man has now spent decades blaming the police, blaming white people and blaming slavery for all of their supposed woes.  How long can they play that victim card?

The step-father of Michael Brown, upon hearing that Officer Wilson would not be indicted screamed to the crowd in Ferguson, "Burn this bitch down!  Burn this bitch down!"  Of course the crowd did then go on to burn and loot businesses in their own home town.  When confronted by the media with making these statements the step-father apologized.

When 60 black people were killed in one weekend in Chicago...all killed by other black people...where was Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson?  Nowhere to be found!  But when a white police officer kills a black thief who had threatened the officer, Al and Jessie were on the next private plane to Ferguson.  "We shall overcome!"

When are the black people of America going to pull up their pants and start making a difference in America for positive change?  When are the black males going to take responsibility for the babies they make out of wedlock?  When are the black females going to quit humping the men who refuse to marry them?  When is our system going to quit rewarding single women with children by increasing their welfare and foodstamp payments when they have another bastard?

Please watch this 6 minute video made by a black man who is disgusted by what he sees the blacks doing in Ferguson;

I heard a black college student interviewed on the news about Ferguson and he had some poignant comments.  He said that if black people don't like what is happening to them in America then they should become teachers, lawyers, police officers, judges and Congressman and seek to set about change in a positive way.

Isn't that the truth!!

Instead we have angry mobs of hooded black people with their pants on the ground steeling jewelry, auto parts and electronics...and as you see the video of them running around rampaging and rioting it looks like a remake of Planet of the Apes.  (the black man on the video said it first....I just agree with him)

Friends, the HUMAN RACE is lost!  We are all in desperate need of Jesus.  But some groups of humans have to take a really hard look in the mirror and say, "What is wrong with this picture?  How long can we sit around feeling sorry for ourselves, blaming everyone else for our problems?"

You might want to say a prayer for Jonathan Gentry, the black man in this video, because I'm guessing the people who love the darkness and hate the truth are going to come out swinging for him.

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