
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Mess in Ferguson, MO

The Bible says in Matthew 24 that nation fighting against nation is one of the signs that will increase as Jesus' return nears.  I have seen some commentaries that say this is a reference to race fighting race.  This would make some sense as Jesus goes on to also claim that kingdom will fight against kingdom...but you will have to be a Bereans and decide for yourselves.

Acts 17:11 
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Here is what I do know....I watched the looting and burning last night in Ferguson, MO and it sure seems like it may be an indicator or foreshadowing that the black race is getting ready to battle the white race in this country.

And can their be any doubt that the Latino race is already battling the white race and black race in certain inner cities of America?

Here are the facts...and no, you can't say, "Here are the white people facts and here are the black people facts"....they are all just facts.

Fact:  The deceased Michael Brown was a 6'4, 290 pound black man who had no gun.
Fact;  The police officer, Darren Wilson, was a white man, much smaller than Michael Brown.
Fact;  Darren Wilson shot Mr. Brown in the head and killed him.
Fact;  Michael Brown attacked officer Darren Wilson.  Wilson feared for his life.
Fact;  Micheal Brown had just robbed a convenience store.
Fact;  Officer Wilson had no idea Brown had robbed the store but stopped him for another reason and then figured out this may be the suspect.

As the 12 members of the grand jury heard evidence in closed proceedings, claims from purported witnesses and civil rights activists told the tale of a youth gunned down mercilessly as he held his hands up in surrender. But the grand jurors, including six white men, three white women, two black women and one black man, were told a different story.

Brown “has his arms out with attitude,” while “The cop just stood there,” one witness to the shooting that capped the noon-time confrontation testified. “Dang if that kid didn’t start running right at the cop like a football player. Head down.”

The fatal shots came after a 90-second encounter that, Wilson told the grand jury, began when he saw Brown and a friend, Dorian Johnson, walking in the street on Aug. 9. The police officer said he told them to move to the sidewalk, which drew an expletive from Brown. Wilson noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, “and that’s when it clicked for [him]” that the men were suspects in a theft at a convenience store reported just minutes earlier.

Wilson, 28, said he called for backup before maneuvering his vehicle in front of Brown and his friend. Wilson, who is much smaller than the 6-foot, 4-inch, 290-pound Brown was, told the panel of being attacked and in fear for his life as Brown slammed his squad car door on him and pummeled him through the window moments after Wilson confronted him walking in the middle of the street.

Wilson testified that, “I felt like a 5-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.” The cop added, “Hulk Hogan, that’s just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm.”

“What do I do not to get beaten inside my car?” Wilson asked grand jurors.

“Just coming straight at me like he was going to run right through me,” Wilson said. “And when he gets about … 8 to 10 feet away … all I see is his head and that’s what I shot.”


Here is the lesson I hope that all Americans learn, whether they are black, white, yellow, red or green...IF YOU THREATEN a police officer or EVER try and take his gun, there is a very high likelihood that you will be shot...and if you ever get shot by a police officer its very possible that you may die.

But the black people (primarily black) of Ferguson don't care about facts.  They are mad!!  Mad about what??  Mad about lots of stuff...poverty, food stamps, Section 8 housing, unwed mothers, father's with 6 kids from 6 women, corruption, greed...and those are just a few.

And just like most human beings starting with Adam and Eve in the garden...we NEVER want to look at ourselves and realize that WE are to blame.  Nope!  We always want to look at our miserable condition and blame it on someone else!  Nothing is ever our fault!

Sadly, the black community in America has a LOT of clean up to do.  Sadly, they will NEVER get it done without turning to Jesus Christ and surrendering to Him and asking them to heal their broken lives, turn from their fornicating ways and repent and ask Jesus to heal their land and heal their families!

"Dennis!  You are a racist and a hater!"

Nope.  The facts speak for themselves....70% of black babies born in the USA were to unwed mothers.

As I saw the news last night from Ferguson, you could see an Advance Auto Parts that was looted and burned.  You can bet that all of the chrome wheels were looted before it was set ablaze.  I remembered reading one comment that said, "Nothing says 'Justice!' like a new set of 20 inch rims looted from your local auto parts store."



  1. Yes, the news portrays him as a 'youth' but an 18 year old is an adult for everything including voting and going to jail. The pictures shown on the news are now all truncated to show only his face so you don't realize his size. The sad fact is that there is little respect for authority, police, law, or rules anymore. When held accountable for actions there is an outcry. The death is sad but by turning to Christ and turning away from ones sin, this sort of thing would not have come up. Color is a strawman argument used to divert from the things you comment on. Down is up, right is wrong.

  2. now watch the video of the 'youth' Michael that has somehow surfaced showing a giant of a man manhandling a normal sized person in the doorway of the store he robbed (notice I don't say purportedly,as this is video and the PC media needs to call right right and wrong wrong). He was not a child innocently playing marbles in the park as he is being played up as.
