
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Climate Change or Christ's Return?

How many of us have had to listen to our liberal friends talk about global warming?  How many of us were confused when those same folks blamed record cold weather on global warming...but then realized that sounded bad so upgraded the term to CLIMATE CHANGE?

How many of us Bible readers know that God has the entire world in His hands....and that not one sparrow drops from the sky without Him knowing about it?

Furthermore, how many of us think that one year of record tornadoes, followed by a 'biblical' drought in California, followed by a massive hurricane in New York, and now almost every day we turn on the weather and hear the forecaster proclaim...."it was the _____  EVER!" many of us think these may be signs of the earth groaning as it anticipates Christ's return...and they have nothing to do with man burning fossil fuels?

Study: Half of Americans, Majority of White Evangelicals Believe Natural Disasters Are Rising Due to 'End Times' Not Climate Change

Nearly half of Americans now believe that the recent surge in natural disasters is the result of biblical "End Times" than climate change, and more than two-thirds of white evangelical Protestants hold this belief, according to a new study.

While only 44 percent of Americans agreed in 2011 that natural disasters are evidence of the apocalypse, their number has now increased to 49 percent, the Public Religion Research Institute reported, quoting results of a new poll.

Especially white evangelical Protestants are more likely — 77 percent — to attribute the severity of recent natural disasters to the End Times than to climate change, added the poll on religion and the environment.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans say that science does not conflict with their religious beliefs, while roughly 40 percent disagree, saying that science sometimes conflicts with their religious beliefs.

These attitudes have remained stable over the last few years, the study noted.

The poll also said that while 46 percent of Americans believe the earth is getting warmer and blame it on human activity, 25 percent say the global temperature is rising but due to natural fluctuations in the earth's environment or uncertain causes. Besides, 26 percent of Americans say there is no concrete evidence that the earth's temperature has been rising over the past few decades.

Americans who identify with the Tea Party are even more skeptical about the existence of climate change than Republicans, the study added, saying that less than one-quarter of Tea Party members believe in climate change and 53 percent of them do not believe so.


Of course the world is going to read this article and say, "Those stupid, ignorant, intolerant, homophobic, science-skeptic, white, Christian morons!!  The world would be SO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT THEM!!"

And after those words get said enough....someone will one day come up with a plan to get rid of all of us white, evangelical Christians.

Now, here's what I am hoping...I'm hoping that Jesus comes like a thief in the night, the trumpet sounds and He snatches us out of this world so we will be with Him forevermore!!  When this happens there will be no doubt that lots of people left on earth will say, "Good riddance to all those homophobic, science-skeptic, white, Christian morons!"

But of course it is VERY possible that Jesus will tarry and that we evangelicals who believe the Bible will have to endure ridicule, scorn, job-loss, family-loss, friend-loss and maybe even prison and death?

Are we followers of Christ ready for either scenario?  Are we ready today to stand before Christ and have our works done AFTER salvation judged by Him...should He come today?  Are we ready to stand before man tomorrow and say, "I will not deny the Bible!  I will not deny my Christ!  Through Christ the entire world was made!"

Matthew 10
34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36     a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

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