
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Abort the Children

Those of us with a Biblical worldview know that God knew us before he knit us together in our mother's womb.  Because of scripture, we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is NOT pleased with the 54,000,000 little babies that have been aborted in this country since 1974.

For the godless folks in our nation though, terminating the life of an innocent baby has EVERYTHING to do with their lives...and not the baby's life.

"I got pregnant after being drunk at the bar!  I'm not even sure what the guy's name certainly don't want his kid!"

"We don't have enough money to have a baby.  Maybe when we are done with college, have a house and some debts paid off then we might want kids...but for now, this fetus has to go!"

"I would be so embarrassed to go back to my home town and tell my parents, grandparents and friends that I got pregnant from some guy at a Frat party!  This baby has to go!"

So if the godless people feel it's their right to kill a baby while it's IN THE MOTHER'S WOMB....why wouldn't they feel the same way about a mother's right to "terminate" the baby after it's outside the mother's womb?

"But Dennis, that's ridiculous!  No one is going to ordain killing a baby that has already been born!"

Really?  Think again.  Some voters are already for it.

Trending: More College Students Support Post-Birth Abortion Of Live Babies

A disturbing trend seen by prolife activists that frequently engage college students on campuses nationwide is the growing acceptance of post-birth abortion, or killing the infant after he or she is born, campus prolife outreach leaders tell The College Fix.

Anecdotal evidence by leaders of prolife groups such as Created Equal and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust said in interviews that not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.”

“We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit,” said Mark Harrington, director of Created Equal. “While this viewpoint is still seen as shocking by most people, it is becoming increasingly popular.”

Campuses where the high school, college students, local activists and staff members of Created Equal have encountered this opinion include Purdue, University of Minnesota, and University of Central Florida. And at Ohio State earlier this year, the group captured a debate on video between one of its members and an older woman on campus who defended infanticide.

“This is the whole problem with devaluing human life at any stage—it will naturally grow to include other groups of humans; in this case, born humans as well as preborn humans,” Harrington said. “[I] talked with one young man at the University of Minnesota who thought it was alright to kill children if they were under the age of 5 years old, as he did not consider them persons until that age.”

Kristina Garza, spokeswoman for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, a prolife organization that often sets up anti-abortion displays on campuses along the West Coast, said her group also frequently encounters college students who accept infanticide.

“For those who are firmly for abortion, because they understand it kills a human being, it’s very easy for them to accept killing a human being after birth,” Garza said. “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”

“A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds.


You see, you DON'T call it, "Murdering babies" call it "Post-birth abortion".  That sounds so much better!

"Yes, I chose to carry this fetus to full term...but now that I have been up every night with this crying fetus for the past week, and I see all my friends going to Frat parties....I think I have changed my mind about wanting I'm choosing a POST-BIRTH ABORTION."

Perfect!!  Makes total sense in this post-Christian society which we have helped create!

You see friends, the fool says in his heart that God doesn't the fools keep thinking and doing Godless things...until eventually God gives them over to reprobate minds....and they begin to think the most outlandish killing a baby up until the age of 4 should be part of the Pro-Choice platform.

Lord, have mercy.

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