
Monday, November 3, 2014

Pandemic of Porn

A few years back I heard Focus on the Family report that their studies show that 95% of college freshman men were spending some time every day logged into porn sites.

One psychologist I spoke to recently said that 50% of all his family counseling cases had something to do with pornography...and was the ones who admitted it.  He was sure it was quite higher.

Another study I read showed that even America's pastors were not immune from viewing pornography.

And now we are hearing that the fasting growing segment of porn addicts is WOMEN!!

Some will say, "What's the problem??  It's only pictures!  I can look at the menu of any long as I only eat dinner at home."

Wrong!  That is a lie straight from the pit of hell.

Jesus said if we look at another person with lust on our hearts the we have committed fornication or adultery with her already.

Christian leaders and researchers continue to sound the alarm on pornography use, claiming that it has become a dangerous pandemic that threatens adults, youths and the public health at large.

Donna Rice Hughes, CEO and president of Enough Is Enough, a nonprofit devoted to ensuring the Internet is a safe place for children, recently wrote a research article on the subject titled, “The Internet Pornography Pandemic.”

In the piece, which was published in the Christian Apologestics Journal, Hughes provided an overview of the research that has been done on the subject of pornography, calling the findings “eye-opening” and claiming that Internet smut has a “harmful impact on the emotional, mental and sexual health of young children, tweens and teens.”

“Every child deserves a protected age of innocence and the opportunity to thrive during childhood. Their hearts and minds are innocent, tender, and trusting and need to be safeguarded from the negative influences of increasingly violent and sexualized media,” Hughes wrote in the article. “Unfortunately, online pornography damages children, and the consequences are mostly irreversible. Pornography is ‘deforming the sexual development of young viewers and is used to exploit children and adolescents.’”

Hughes argued in the piece that porn sometimes overshadows parents in teaching kids about sex, leading to what she believes are some profoundly damaging effects.

Rather than merely exploring the moral parameters surrounding porn use, she argues that there is a need to address how smut is harming public health. In the end, her goal is to create a movement akin to campaigns aimed at helping people stop smoking to help curb porn usage.

Hughes concluded by calling on the faith community to take the lead, noting that correcting societal issues is the job of the Christian church at large.

“Sadly, many of today’s cultural problems are the consequences of the failure of the church to function in society as God intends,” she wrote. “America has abandoned its spiritual roots and the vision of our nation’s founding fathers. As a result, America is in a moral free fall.”

Read it here; a result of The Church discontinuing to be salt and light and function in society as GOD INTENDS...America has abandoned its spiritual roots and is now in a moral free fall.

"But Dennis, the stock market is at a record high and we just opened up the new. better, stronger, One World Trade Center on the site of the Twin God must still be blessing us!...because we are such a great nation and so worthy of His blessings!"

Really?  Can anyone who reads the Bible and watches the news honestly believe that?

What kind of spirit does a nation open itself up to when millions of its men and women spend hours and days pleasuring themselves in front of a computer as they imagine themselves having sex with others?  And how about the millions who are having actual sex with prostitutes, loose college women or porn addicted wives?  What does that do to the fabric of our nation?

Matthew 5:13-16 
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Hmmmm.....I wonder what that might look like...for the churches of America to be thrown out and trampled underfoot?  It doesn't sound good....

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