
Monday, November 3, 2014

Kyrgyzstan Frightens its Gay Citizens

Kyrgyzstan used to be part of the Soviet Union.  Today they are a Muslim majority country with self rule...but they seem to be taking a tip from Russia when it comes to dealing with homosexuals.

BISHKEK (Reuters) - A draft law banning "homosexual propaganda" in Kyrgyzstan could be the last straw for the Central Asian country's frightened gay community.

Some are thinking of leaving the mainly Muslim state bordering China if the law is passed by parliament, mirroring a move last year by Russia that outraged the West and was seen by critics as part of a broader crackdown on civil society.

Backed by Muslim clerics who say homosexuals are "psychologically ill" and should be cured, the law follows what gays say is growing intimidation, police abuse and beatings.

The law would impose a one-year jail term for "forming a positive attitude to untraditional sexual relations" among minors or in the media.

However, the draft does not clarify exactly what would contravene the legislation relating to minors or what the media may not publish, leading critics to say that in its current shape the law is vague and leaves a lot of room for interpretation and abuse by authorities.

The law's backers have made clear they expect it to go much further than the protection of minors or curbs on the media, and they predict a crackdown on a wide spectrum of activities, such as gay rallies, clubs and cafes.

The law has already won initial approval in the first of three readings in parliament and will require President Almazbek Atambayev's signature to become law, which is expected to happen in due course given deep-rooted homophobia in Kyrgyzstan.

"If this draft law, which is still being debated, is finally adopted, I will be forced to leave the country, along with the others (gays)," a smartly dressed 23-year-old man told Reuters, giving his name only as Sultan for fear of retribution.

"The entire atmosphere is getting more threatening," he said, recounting how he and a small group of friends were beaten up by waiters in a bar when they realized they were gay.

Maksat Hajji Toktomushev, Kyrgyzstan's grand mufti, said there should be no discussion of gay issues.

"These are psychologically ill people, their psyche is destroyed," he told Reuters. "They need to be cured ... I would have banned from the very beginning any discussion of this."

"This is bad, this is decay and depravity. God [Allah] does not tolerate this issue, even mere discussion of it."

Echoing rights activists' concerns about the similar Russian law, some critics say the legislation could be used to muzzle anyone who speaks openly about gay rights including journalists, civil society activists and human rights groups.

Abdraimov dismissed such concerns, saying it was important "to respect our mentality and not to fan passions".

"This is a forbidden theme and one need not get people excited," he said. "How many gays are there in Kyrgyzstan? Two or three? On this issue, we must listen to the majority."


In typical Muslim ignorance, they think there are only 2 or 3 gays in the entire nation!  Well, that's a little better than Ahmadinejad in Iran who said there weren't any!

Notice a few things as you read this article.  Yahoo has NO PROBLEM interchanging the word GOD and ALLAH.  In their minds it doesn't matter what religion you's all just "God" to them.  Of course I see this as the media continuing to unknowingly pave the way for the ONE WORLD RELIGION that will sweep the world when the Antichrist reigns.

Now put yourselves in Putin's shoes and also the Mufti of Kyrgyzstan shoes....can you at least SEE how they look at the porn, drugs, perversion and gay agenda in our nation and tell themselves, "If that's what democracy, imported by America, brings to our kids....we don't want it!!"

Of course the atheists would say, "Well you Christians sound just like the Muslims when it comes to denying the rights of gays!"

Well, let's hope that's not true.

Christians acknowledge that ALL OF US are born with a perverse nature.  Some for fornication, some for adultery, some for bestiality, some for porn, some for gay.  We go on to acknowledge that only through the power of Jesus transforming us can we possibly leave the lifestyles we once had.  So while we are called to have compassion for the lost who struggle with sin and don't know Jesus as savior....that doesn't mean that we have to endorse the acceptance of our perverse nature.  Fornication, adultery, bestiality and homosexuality are NOT GOOD for society so as followers of Christ we can continue to stand against the movement that wants to call every desire we are born with, "good".

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